I have come up with (invent) a new list hashing algorithm that you can use to hash lists whenever you want. The secret is simple:
Suppose B is a dict (map) ar = list (vector)
Then for a list consisting of two elements, we need to match this number:
B[pow(ar[0], 37, 1000000007) + pow(ar[1], 43, 1000000007)] = [ar[0], ar[1]]
So we have mapped a list of 2 elements to a number!!!
The more items in the list, the further we can add pow(ar[i], P_i, 1000000007), where i is the trace. index in the list (vector), and P_i is the trace. Prime number.
With this hashing of lists (vectors), we can with a probability of 95-99% drive the problem to OK without much bother!!!
I hope the article was useful!
Hm, I will try this on problem that I haven't solved a week ago!
It is genius! But why you use 37 and 43? I will hack you in future codeforces rounds by this!
Hm, good luck!!
But I will use other prime numbers next time)
Your rating is so high! But you can't understand this easy lalgorithm! You just need to use random prime number. It's not hard enough for you to understand why it's a nice way to solve problems. You're just a stupid master! We students are the best participants of codeforces!!! And the most clever too :)))))
Lol, someone don't understand this, and I hacked them and my rating increaaaaaaases
What do you think about this algorithm? Is it quite good or not?)
what is the "pow"???
powAR or powER ????
by the way, it is the best idea in whole competetive programming!!!
This is very interesting !
do you know about HUNGARIAN LALGORITHM? it is also very interesting
Absolutely agree! That algorithm helped me to have sex with my girlfriend for the first time! It was so amazing!
"I hope the article was useful!"
do not hope. Be sure it was useful!!!
I_am_Drew basketballer keklol45 andryusha_na_knopke Drew_is_me sevlll777 300_are_queue MikMirzoyanov EvgenKarpov
are you actually one person guys?
I am truly eager to know how did you figure that out????
Unfortunately, no, but we are friends :)
Oh god! I figured out how you figured out! ;)
I don’t understand the idea... can anybody(Or I_am_Drew)explain it better please?
179 — our school number :)
So how to compare subarrays when they start at different places?
Unable to parse markup [type=CF_MATHJAX]
In traditional hashing, you multiply hash by
Unable to parse markup [type=CF_MATHJAX]
or smth to compare.I don't know