As you know there are 100 of competitive programming youtube channels these days(one of which is mine).
But some of those youtube channels are very helpful for people who are learning CP.
So I made a list(based on my opinions) of Top 7 Competitive Programmer Youtubers.
My Reasons :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLqJLC4gSPU TL;DW
1 : Rachit Jain rachitiitr //I started my youtube channel because of Gaurav Sen and Rachit Jain,they were among the 1st to open up a programming channel.
2: Errichto Errichto //Contest Streams and Explains thought process really well
3: Raj Striver striver_79 //Extremely good Video Tutorials of CF rounds
4: William Lin tmwilliamlin168 //Again Contest Streams and Super Fast Thought Process
5: Algopedia RomeoFantastik //Full Detailed Explanation of rounds in one stream
6: Stefan stefdasca //Video Tutorials of CF Round Problems
7: Gaurav Sen gkcs //One of the best but focuses on System Design Now
8: Waqar Ahmad kazama460 //Added from suggestions
9: Tozan Southerpacks EnumerativeCombinatorics //Added from suggestions(Inactive for 9 months though)
Honourable Mention BlueDiamond
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_3tixfUu4i1AXMldrULDyg Funniest Competitive Programmer I know.
PS: I also have a youtube channel and do mediocre stuff.
Add code Ncode(Waqar Ahmad)
Oh yeah, I forgot..I will add him along others.
If you guys have suggestions put them in the comments,I will add them soon :)
SecondThread Link to channel. The streams are very nice and I like his algorithms dead series.
Auto comment: topic has been updated by perseverance_01 (previous revision, new revision, compare).
I had made a list sometime back
Ohh..I did not know that...But well my list is more recent.
Its only a month old.
What do you want me to do? Delete this?
This YouTube Channel posts great video editorials for Codeforces rounds within a few hours of the contest.
That link was directly sub confirmation xD..well I don't regret it..seems good.
Thanks. Algorithms Live! is also very good resource. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBLr7ISa_YDy5qeATupf26w
Where is Tozan Southerpacks(EnumerativeCombinatorics) youtube channel? You should mention it.
Auto comment: topic has been updated by perseverance_01 (previous revision, new revision, compare).
you should add Codeforces with Java by the user Java
RomeoFantastik gives best explanations.
RomeoFantastik is best ever .
For div3-4 people, every week after leetcode contest I do live stream answering questions and explaining leetcode contest, CF low rated contest etc. I have #3 highest rating in LeetCode.
It's on twitch.tv/alexwice and then video goes here: https://www.youtube.com/alexwice?sub_confirmation=1
I don't know if Aryan Mittal exists on codeforces but this guy gives damn good explanation of some of the problems. Link to his youtube channel:
That's the thing,I asked for his CF ID,he never replied.
You missed Code with Demoralizer
Well, since he Demoralizes most people(according to most people), the author probably neglected him.
I was only kidding..but ok.
kartik arora is missing
SecondThread and Galen_Colin deserve to be here imo!
I'd rather put errichto on 1.
You forgot to add SecondThread 's YouTube channel.
And demoralizer's YouTube Channel.
These are very active and I watch each of their videos.
look when it was posted, colin galen didn't have a single programming video on his channel 3 years ago