I read somewhere that the C++ STL parital_sort function (used to find k smallest numbers) has a running time complexity of O(n.logk).
It achieves this by going through the entire data, maintaining a k-sized max-heap, throwing away the top whenever size exceeds k, and in the end printing the k remaining elements from the heap.
Can't an n-sized min-heap be used instead and then the first k smallest numbers simply extracted from it. I understand it won't remain in-place and would require additional memory.
But time complexity wise, it would take O(n+k.logn) which is better than O(n.logk), right? (assuming k to be any number smaller than n)
Then why is the O(n.logk) version preferred? Why is it mentioned everywhere and used by the std template?
That would require using a heap which has $$$O(1)$$$ insertion, and those usually have a really bad constant.
How is the O(n.logk) achieved then? If not using heaps/PQs.
For the $$$O(n$$$ $$$log$$$ $$$k)$$$ algorithm you can have a heap with both $$$O(log$$$ $$$size)$$$ insertion and deletion of first element, for which an ordinary binary heap works which is pretty fast in practice. For the $$$O(n + k$$$ $$$log$$$ $$$k)$$$ algorithm you would need to have a heap with $$$O(1)$$$ insertion and $$$O(log$$$ $$$size)$$$ deletion of first element, which usually have a much higher constant factor.
You do not need to insert all elements one by one. That would take O(n.logn) just to make the heap.
If I remember my Data Structures class correctly, one can simply use heapify to build a heap of n numbers in O(n) time. Doesn't necessarily need O(1) insertion for that.
Yeah, that's actually true. In that case I don't know the answer.
a heap could be made in a complexity of O(n) by using the function makeheap(). It is a practical algorithm .It works in the way of making heap from the bottom to the top. In this problem,we don't need to insert the element N times.
Yes, that was already mentioned.
It can be implemented using
in-place and $$$O(n + klogk)$$$ time. So every bigger time seems strange to me.nth-element guarantees only average complexity iirc
Doesn't it also use median of medians, which guarantees complexity?
We can use
median of medians
as pivot-selecting method and it will ensures Linear complexity, while afaiknth_element
uses quickselect which can lead us to bad partitions and only ensures linear complexity on an average.Median of medians/ QuickSelect takes O(n) time to find i-th smallest number. So to find all 1 <= i <= k it'll take O(kn) time right?
Quick select has worst case
. So instead of using Quick select, we can usemedian of medians
algorithm to partition the array at positionk
does) as it ensures linear complexity and then sort the k elements which will beO(n + klogk)
as okwedook suggested above.Oh so we just need to partition once. I was thinking maybe for every i<=k we need to run the algorithm again. Yep makes sense! Thanks
pure quickselect isn't used; it tries quickselect for the first $$$O(log$$$ $$$n)$$$ layers and then it ends by using a heap on the remaining part of the array, so on average the complexity is $$$O(n)$$$ while in the worst case it's $$$O(n$$$ $$$log$$$ $$$n)$$$.Any sources for this? The first answer to this question says that it is nowhere mentioned that which algorithms it uses if quick select fails due to bad partitions.
Ok, thanks for pointing out i will update the statement above.
I just realised another "theoretical" way to achieve this $$$O(n+k\log k)$$$ bound. We could heapify the array in $$$O(n)$$$ time. Then construct another heap (starting from empty) and insert $$$(value,index)$$$ pairs from old array to new one. Every time pop one pair and push two (its children in the original array). Of course coding this would be a mess, but it would guarantee the theoretical upper bound of $$$O(n+k\log k)$$$.
An interesting question.
There is a presentation from CppCon 2018 by Fred Tingaud which addresses the matter.
Slides: https://github.com/CppCon/CppCon2018/blob/master/Presentations/a_little_order_delving_into_the_stl_sorting_algorithms/a_little_order_delving_into_the_stl_sorting_algorithms__fred_tingaud__cppcon_2018.pdf
Video, presumably: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0tO3Eni2uo.
Here's a short summary from slide 87:
Wow! I'll take a look. Thank you :)