I'd like to bring into notice the pollution of contest announcements (which I've, as may have others, happened to come across a lot recently). Some examples from the recent CF Round 641 Announcement:
There's a lot more I could add for examples but I'll keep it confined to the most recent round. Seriously, is talking about Corona a valid thing to do on a CP oriented website? Get Reddit or Twitter or some other crap. Seriously, is discussing all the politics of Corona a valid thing to do on a CP contest announcement? Really, is COVID-19 what y'all think about while programming? Really, are you just looking for a change in contest timings because it affects you and not most others? Well, okay, this time the contest timings are slightly different than usual CF Rounds but it doesn't justify the question. Seriously, "stupid muslims"? Religions brought into CP? What the actual fuck is this? All this irrelevant crap under a contest announcement? I mean it's okay if you do it on a relevant blog but really, contest announcements? "Contest Announcements"?
$$$C-O-N-T-E-S-T-A-N-N-O-U-N-C-E-M-E-N-T-S?$$$ Hear it yet?
Please people, take a step back and realise that this is not what contest announcements are to be used for. I'd, and probably most of the community, prefer to use them to discuss problems after the contest, to make new bondings with people they help or take help from. All this is simply a lot of noise to scroll through, and irrelevant already. Okay, yes, even I discussed in a sub-thread about DOTA-2 and gaming, which is irrelevant to the contest announcement. BUT, that's what's made me realise how stupid I was today (and maybe have been in the past in some blogs) and drove me to write this blog.
Feel free to share your views upon this matter and any other matter that tends to irk you off.
The simplest solution to this would be if people realise the irrelevant-ness themselves and refrain from commenting/creating irrelevant subthreads. But no, it's always going to continue happening. So, if it's not too much to ask, will there be a possibility/feature of dividing comments on the basis of pre-contest/post-contest? Or some script that could be developed by an experienced programmer doing the same?
It's a sincere request from a literal nobody: Please, please, please, consider not starting/posting in irrelevant discussions of contests. It's just pure noise. Mistakes happen, it's only human, but please be sensible, you and me, both. Thank you for reading!
Is there even a point to reading comments on contest announcements?
genuine question
Lots of people discuss about the problems after a contest ends and they also explain their solution of a certain problem "Sometimes It is easier to understand than official editorials by authors".
So I gain a lot from that, so the answer to your question (At least for me) is yes
Honestly, I scroll down to find memes
I personally read most comments, sometimes finding memes by ultraStackDeveloper (and others) on contest announcements and other times to reply to people asking for help or asking questions. I like to discuss the problems and solutions after a contest, but having a tonne of irrelevant crap to load and scroll through is not something I like doing. It just spoils the contest announcement imo. Imagine being someone who's new to this site and you see huge political discussions going on in contest announcements and religion based discrimination. It just spoils the appeal of CF and is disturbing to come across even if you discard the irrelevancy tag.
Someones read them to see if they can find something fun/helpful/useful, or probable, to help people with the problems and/or they're bugs.
I just request everyone to not comment anything unrelated at least in the editorial posts,It just gets a lot messed up and takes a hell lot of time to search for some good explanations in the comments section.
You can use this.