Hello Community,
So I recently went through some strange situation while using different versions of the compiler in code forces. While solving 448C - Painting Fence, I wrote a basic straightforward dp code. But when I submitted the code in C++17(64 bit) it showed the verdict Runtime Error on test case 27 and I had no idea why. Then I tried to debug my code for hours later came up with no solution. Then for no reason when I submitted the same code in c++11 it got accepted in one go.
AC Code: 78082968
RTE Code: 78083039
Besides, I also faced a situation where a certain code gets Accepted in a compiler version but gets TLE in another version. Can you explain the reason? Thanks.
I have faced the same situation too with different versions of the compiler version.
Looking forward to the answer. Cause there is a good chance it can hamper one's contest performance too. Let's draw a situation where you can get verdict TLE in the main test after a contest ends with a certain version of the compiler but the same code gets accepted with another version of the compiler.