I would like to know if there's any blog/article which lists all the DS and Algos required to be on a specific rank. I mean , For example, newbie ranked coders need not learn things like segment tree or sqrt decomposition, but should work on their basic implementation skills.
Similarly I want to know what are the things , coders from each category are expected to know ?
I had found this article but it just gives an overall summary... https://www.hackerearth.com/getstarted-competitive-programming/
PS: I want to know this because I feel like it will help me have a proper step-by-step approach to practice CP.
There are already many blogs about this on Codeforces.
Link please?
https://codeforces.me/blog/entry/71349 Here there are my links properly listed .
Thanks for the link.
In his tutorial he's explained what topics are required for each level. It's very well structured and detailed do take a look.
Thanks ! It's a nice tutorial.
Yeah..this article he made is amazing.
Hi, I read this, I feel like it is not that clear on a list of topics except for the 1600-1900 category. Can somebody please post the list of topics for each level after 2000, like Master ,IM, GM etc . The topic list can be very big because a lot of questions are ad hoc but please provide me with approximate indication. Thanks and sorry for bad English
Yeah, this is something I'd also be incredibly interested to see, does anyone have any suggestions of which topics should go where on the list?