mkitkat's blog

By mkitkat, history, 5 years ago, In English

Help with the approach and code in C++. Thanks I have tried Dijkstra by make every edge weights to -1. But I am not able to print the longest path.

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5 years ago, # |
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Naive approach : Do BFS from every non visited node and keep track of farthest node which is reachable (let's say it's pathlength as COUNT) & mark every intermediate node visited. take maximum of all COUNT and print path from node(which is giving max COUNT) to Farthest node. I think it should work :)

5 years ago, # |
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Find a topological sort of the given graph and do dp on it. dp[u] is the length of the longest path which ends in node u. Initially dp[u] = 0 for every u. To calculate this dp go from left to right in topological order and if the current node is u, for every node v such that there is edge from u to v dp[v] = max(dp[v], dp[u] + 1). Then the length of the longest path in the graph is the maximal element in the dp array. To restore the longest path find any u such that dp[u] = max and go through reverse edges of the graph to any v such that dp[v] = dp[u] — 1, until dp[u] is not zero and add u to your answer array. Reverse the answer and it will be one of the possible longest paths in the given DAG. Complexity is O(N + M).

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    3 years ago, # ^ |
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    can you just share the implement part of reverse going in dp[u]-1 --> dp[u]-2 -->0

5 years ago, # |
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You can practice the same concept on atcoder —