Unfortunately, due to the new Corona Virus problem, we decided to postpone WTF 2020. In Japan, various sport events were cancelled recently (for example football matches). We discussed internally, and concluded that WTF should be postponed too. We are very sorry for the late decision.
However, we hope to reschedule the event and hold WTF 2020 in the future. We will announce the schedule again when the situation gets better.
SARS-CoV-2 mind show some mercy to this?
COVID-19 and __coronavirus__ and corona_covid-19__ too.
hope everyone will be fine! it's tough time now
No AGC in the meanwhile?
Probably 1 AGC in late March, 1 AGC (or 2 I hope) in April. 1 ARC on March 8.
At least something. I expected the situation to be more like "we just spent 2 whole months preparing WTF so we have enough sufficiently tough problems prepared to put together at least an online contest right away".
Since there was an AGC bases on WTF problems, and now it is gone, I guess they decided to keep the problemset for the WTF.
Yes, I don't think I can write one more WTF set, so I need to keep it.
What WTF stands for?
wtf (:
World Tour Finals
Can you please estimate new dates? For example, will it be before icpc wf, or after?
It's difficult to predict, but we first need to wait until the virus converges, then one more month or a bit more to get visa, flights, etc.
So never? :(
But the date is already posted: 3020-02-29 :D (https://atcoder.jp/contests/agc042)
Nice catch :)
...because of Corona Virus.
Did not expected this. Here in central europe it is still not a big deal.
We thought the same until last month.
as all others over the world, we(i mean all the ones here in cf) usually dont mind things other than contests, problems
You need to be alive to care about contests :>
iam not sadly ;(, i dont care anything, just leaving like a coding zombie
But you can't live only with coding,there are also other things to care about. (Besides,how old are you?
no need to down vote me any more, i may try to care about others as you wish
I didn't down vote you. And I say other things in life,not others. I think you needn't to care about the guy you don't know if you don't want. But if you live only with coding,it's boring.
i meant other things as well, yes you may probable be right
lets just end it right now before i got -191 contributors, thx for your advice
You know, northern Italy is kinda close to Central Europe...
What about now? Is it a big deal?
I think you missunderstood what I wanted to say in the first place.
Can you open registration for people have atcoder rating < 2000 btw
+1 I rarely take part in atcoder contests. So I have a rating just only a bit lower than 2000. But my performance for AGC is much higher.
I rarely take part in Atcoder contests because my rating is too high for ABCs/ARCs. If you can take part in ABCs and just don't, of course your rating will stay low!
Since WTF was postponed, you'll have plenty of contests to raise your rating above 2000.
It's a kind of "prize" for frequent participants of AtCoder. I think it's not a bad idea to do this once a year.
And you still have a chance — we will have an ARC next week, and a decent performance in it will lead you to 2000, even if you are still unrated.
I agree with this point.
However, I suggest that registration should be openned for people with max rating of at least 2000. I think you won't want some participants to skip the upcoming ARCs cause they don't want to risk their chance to take part in WTF.