I haven't been able to submit solutions to usaco.org since yesterday. Yesterday, it said that the servers were down completely and today it's giving the error in the picture.
I use
freopen("greedy.in", "r", stdin);
freopen("greedy.out", "w", stdout);
to print the answers and it's been working with no problems until now. Is anyone else having a similar problem ?
Auto comment: topic has been updated by egekabas (previous revision, new revision, compare).
I've been having the same issue, hope it gets fixed asap.
Fear not Farmer John! SOLTAN is here to save you!
You can just create an account in Quera and then join this group to solve USACO problems. You can use google translate extension but everything is pretty obvious anyway (and the problems are in English).
Such a nice initiative! Keep up the good work!