Hi CodeForces!
Problems below are sorted by difficulity, hope they will rocket up your coding ability...
Binary search
Data structures (incomplete)
special problems*
note : special problems are tasks which are effective when solved without reading the tags(they might be a bit harder too).
If you have any recommendations feel free to mention them in the comments section.
This blog will be updated on a monthly basis.
Special thanks to MhdMohammadi, M_H_M, KMAASZRAA and X_emad_X for finding these problems.
Also some people have complained that -Morass- has written a blog on the same topic, well the only difference is that this blog will be updated on a regular basis and you can access fresh tasks via this blog.
293D - Ksusha and Square
thanks, will add it soon. :)
wow thanks my pier :)
That was a great. thanks!
OMG !!!!
1184E2 - Daleks' Invasion (medium)
will add it soon ... :)
thanks mr.soroush
Nice :)
Nice. It would be nice if you would post good problems from other tags as well.
I agree
OK other categories will be aded as well.
Dynamic programming is also known as a widely used category of programming. Please add DP problems.
340D - Bubble Sort Graph
will add it soon :)
455A - Boredom
gonna add it soon :)
thanks for your tips..please continue,good luck
Sorry, but -Morass- has already made an excellent blog on it. Here it is: topics list
so what's the problem ?
here is a simple but good question 1175B - Catch Overflow!
will be aded to the list :)
That was very nice !
Why do you spend your time on this blog while -Morass- has already created a much more extensive and great one? topics list Ugly downvoters, check the link shared first!!
nice, thank you so much :)
1201D. Treasure Hunting
Will add it soon...
448D- Multiplication Table is really very nice.
nice :)Tet
Supported by Allame Helli
This is an extremely cool list of problems. Thanks a lot!
545C - Woodcutters
1195C - Basketball Exercise
- 2 great dp problems for basic dp learners.
thank you ! I , myself have just started learning dp :)
Sorry to say lots of people will reject your hard work for -Morass- blog.His blog is more well-arranged with lots of problem.
But I have a great idea for you that will makes your blog surely acceptable to everyone.Here is my idea:
When someone ask for any specific type of problem like binary-search problem/bfs/dfs problem everyone gives them lots of problem from lots of Oj like cf/codechef/timus etc.But nobody suggest onsite( icpc regionals or IOI or NCPC(National Collegiate Programming Contest ) ) problem.So I suggest you to gather topic wise onsite problem.
Great idea! I'll for sure do it!
Hope You'll do it as early as possible.This will be very helpful for everyone :)
10D - LCIS
thanks! gonna add it.
Thanks, it's very helpful and fun to do
Nice :)
1109-A sasha and bit relaxation
ok will be added to the list :)
455D - Serega and Fun
will add it thanks!
225C - Barcode dp
I think it would be great if you could sort the problems according to a learner's perspective so that new competitive programmers get to realize from where to start and can track their progress. Otherwise they will have to read problems one by one and observe their difficulty level and waste a lot of time in choosing which problem to solve now and which to postpone for later.
as mentioned above those problems are all sorted by difficulity , i will be adding a more advanced set of problems soon ...
Oh... maybe you are already working on it. I just mentioned it because I felt not all the problems already mentioned were sorted. But I see where you are going. Looking forward to a great list of sorted problems.
thank you :)
Fruitful problems that may improve your coding skills
These problems that may improve your coding skills too.
You are a newbie and he is pupil.
i think 843-A (sorting by sequence) would be a good problem to add as its simple and teaches nice concept.
OK will add it soon... :)
118D Caesar's Legions... Dp...
wow that was realy good problem soroush!! please add that too
OK, will add it soon... ;)
Can we have more graph problems please?
Of course, but I have to find them first :)
Nice problemset.
DP 1114D - Flood Fill