rocky1234's blog

By rocky1234, history, 6 years ago, In English

Hiii everyone,

I have found a weird thing in Facebook Hackercup. In round 2  As we all know only top 200 ranks  are

allowed to participate in round 3 . But there has been a cheating in facebook hackercup round 2 . A guy from India named

Himanshu singhhitman623 has got an opportunity to participate in round 3 even if he

got an rank 238 in round 2. He is not in top 200 in round 2 in the rank list. Here is the proof.

And i dont know how he got to participate in ROund 3 even he he is not selected. `` His rank in round 3 is 78

I need a perfect answer from LoneFox or Facebook Team. How is this possible. Do you think the people who got 201 — 237 are weak guys. I want him to react any cost and reply it here. If he got the opportunity i guess every body should get. Many of the people have worked so hard who got that 201- 237 positions . The need to be respected but Why is this favouritism. I want people to react too.

Guys This is a serious thing that was serious disregard to many people who have missed by just 1 or 2 ranks.

PS: To All the people who are downvoting this post. DO you have guts to answer me or say that i am wrong . If you guys have that guts reply to me and then Downvote.

Thanks and regards

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6 years ago, # |
  Vote: I like it +48 Vote: I do not like it

got an rank 238 in round 2

If he got the opportunity i guess every body should get. Many of the people have worked so hard who got that 201 — 231 positions

What about the poor people who got 232-237? Why is this favouritism? These people worked hard too and you just ignore them in your blog like they never existed...

6 years ago, # |
  Vote: I like it +49 Vote: I do not like it

Why tag Mike? I’m pretty sure he has nothing to do with facebook.

6 years ago, # |
  Vote: I like it +62 Vote: I do not like it

First of all, I downvoted you for your awful text formatting. Like "ROund", words starting with capital character in the center of sentence or word, phrase in monospace font, space before dot, strange line breaks and so on. What's wrong with you, man?

Talking about topic, I've downloaded his solution of problem A from round 2, compiled it and ran on test which can be downloaded from testing system. After that I've submitted answer it and got OK. I guess, that's the reason why he has got a wildcard to round 3 (because if he had solved this problem, he would have qualified). Why did he got WA on contest is another interesting question. As far as I know, during the contest different people are getting different tests. And some tests might be easier (or do not contain some tricky cases). Or he might have got bad internet connection and couldn't submit his answer. Or smth else.

Also I would recommend you not to be so envious. Sure, it's interesting situation and you can ask about it, but next time don't begin your question with accusation. I don't think organizers of FHC would cheat (especially in this way and on round 2).

6 years ago, # |
Rev. 2   Vote: I like it +117 Vote: I do not like it

This is what happened.

6 years ago, # |
Rev. 2   Vote: I like it +1 Vote: I do not like it

after seeing the clarification from hitman632 my head it keeps playing curb your meme song..hahaha