I've a graph consisting of 22 nodes and 36 edges. It's an undirected graph. From each node, I've to find the number of ways that I can reach all other nodes. Any idea please?
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I've a graph consisting of 22 nodes and 36 edges. It's an undirected graph. From each node, I've to find the number of ways that I can reach all other nodes. Any idea please?
Name |
What are the rules here? Can you use one edge or vertex multiple times?
Yes. But in a path I can't use a cycle. Cause it'll give me a infinite answer. Two paths will consider different, if at least 1 edge deffer.
Sorry I was sleeping when I replied to your comment. So, I messed Up. In a path I cant use a edge multiple times. It will create a cycle. For graph -
1 — 2
2 — 4
2 — 3
4 — 3
3 — 5
If we consider the source 1 and target 5 output will be 2 for that. Like that from every node to all other node I've to find the number of ways. I don't have any time limit. I can run the code for few hours. I just need the output. Thank You.
Since you only require the result and the graph is very small (and sparse), have you considered using brute force?
I was busy for few days, I ran brute force for this. Got my result.
Thank You.