Hi there, I have this problem: Given an array A of integers. You need to operate three kinds of online query:
- Insert an element X at position i in the array
- Delete element at position i in the array
- Answer the maximum element and the index of maximum element in range [l, r]
- Q = number of queries — less than or equal 100000
- N = number of elements — less than or equal 100000
- X, A[i] is less than or equal 1000000000
I don't know which data structure is the most suitable for solving this problem. Can you help me with this and explain how to use that data structure?
Thank you.
UPD: This is online query problem.
UPD2: I've added tags for the blog entry.
I think that you can use segment tree for solve this problem. You can store for each node in the segment tree a pair with the maximum element in the range and the index of the element in array. For delete the element in position x you can insert -(1LL<<60LL) in the position x.You can read about segment tree in https://www.google.com.br/amp/s/www.geeksforgeeks.org/segment-tree-set-2-range-maximum-query-node-update/amp/
Treap, maybe...
Can you explain more for me?
Treaps with implicit keys.
if forced to query online:
use splay tree to maintain<location, value, max>, sort as first element(location)
max = this node's whole subtree's max value.
for query we splay (location)r to root and then splay (location)l to root.
and then answer = max{ root.value, root.right_son.value, root.right_son.left_son.max }
(last line is working by Balanced Binary Tree's properties)
if l or r not exist just find x>=l and y<=r to query them.
if not forced query online:
sort all locations which used by query, insert or delete.
replace locations as their rank after sort
and just solve it by segment tree
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