Hello Everyone,
I guess everyone who is preparing for OI already know about this Checklist for OI Problems prepared by ko_osaga. I've been using this for quite a long time, and it is really helpful!
But since the checklist gets updated from time to time, I found it hard to migrate from the previous checklist to new checklist. So, I made the following web app for the same purpose! Now you don't need to worry about migrating, I can just add the problems to database and it'll update automatically!
Link: OI Checklist
Please find the features and changes to the main checklist bellow:
Features and Changes
First of all, now the checklist contains direct link to each problem, while the main checklist had link to some parent of the link. And clicking on a contest name will lead to the official "Task" page of that contest, which generally contains judge data, editorial etc. In case this is not available, a related page is linked.
Each category has a progress bar above it, so you can easily see how much you've solved.
Many of us want to keep our checklist secret. Don't worry, you're checklist is always secret. However, you can share a static link your checklist.
You can see statistics of a problem by hovering over the cell. Currently the statistics include the number of perfect scorer in official contest and the statistics that was given in IOI 2018, that is, the percentage of points that was scored at that problem during contest. So you can get used to this kind of stats.
Toggling state of a problem is easy, just click on the cell. It will change state from unsolved to solving to solved.
Some problems that are added in oj.uz but not available for public is marked in red. Since oj.uz shows that output only tasks is under testing, you can keep track of them. And problems that are not available or POI problems that doesn't have translation yes are marked in black.
Hope you'll like it. What other features would you like to see?
(This is not well tested yet. If you find any bugs please let me know)
UPDATE 1: As Benq suggested, now you can turn the state of a problem to an additional color: Blue. Meaning you already know the solution to the problem but don't intend to implement it for now. But the count of such problems will be added to solved problems for the status bars. The blue color is barely different from the green one as there is small difference between knowing solution and implementing it.
UPDATE 2: All USACO problems from session 2012-2013 to 2018-2019 are now added. Now the list contains 733 problems.
UPDATE 3: Some CEOI Problems were not available in oj.uz, but they are available in cses.fi, so updated all CEOI problems' links from cses.fi. Now BOI problems have direct links to the contest in cses.fi (previously https://cses.fi/boi/list/ was linked with each of the BOI problems), same goes for CEOI problems.
UPDATE 4: Sorry :( The app has exceeded the free row limit in heroku. So, I've taken it down in Maintenance Mode. I'll keep the post updated if I manage to host it somewhere else. :(
UPDATE 5: Migrated from Heroku to PythonAnywhere. Now the app is running on https://oichecklist.pythonanywhere.com. All data from the previous app was imported into this. Yet if you find some inconsistency in your checklist please inform me. You may want to search your browser history and delete all entries of oichecklist.herokuapp.com. Happy practicing. :)
Wish I could upvote more than once :(
This is undeniably cool. Thank you very much!
Minor issue : CEOI Calvinball / Watering is not available in oj.uz. You can find it here.
Thank you. Updated those two problems. Also CEOI13 Splot seems to be available as well, added that too (don't know it if is judge-able there, as there are no AC submissions).
Update: Added problems from JOI 2019, JOISC 2019.
I am willing to add COI and infO(1) cup problems too. But I can only find COI14-18 in ojuz and COI06-09 in wcipeg. Is COI10-13 available somewhere?
And National Round problems from infO(1) cup 2017 is missing from ojuz. Will they be added?
Auto comment: topic has been updated by RezwanArefin01 (previous revision, new revision, compare).
Will be EJOI problems added? And some problems get colored red on their own, I can't switch them to white
The red color means it is uploaded in oj.uz, but not made public yet (or maybe it is, but I don't know).
And the black color means this problem is not available in any judge, or for POI problems it means translation not available.
You can still mark these problems as solving/know solution/solved.
Great tool!
One feature request I have is if you could have an option to see all the problems from a certain contest sorted by solves so that it is easier to find problems at the right level.
I had something like this in mind. But can't figure out on what basis I should sort the problems. Sorting by the number of perfect scores won't give correct idea I guess.
I solve a question but it does not colored.Why?
Who said cells will get colored on their own? And why are you even expecting it? Did the system ask your handles anytime?
I think if there will be thing like this it will be very good.
I think that is not possible. As there are countless online judges where you can solve a problem. Also you may solve a problem in live contest. There is no way one can write parser for all judges. So you'll need to mark it yourself.
Nice tool.
BOI 2019 just happened.
Yes, I know. But it isn't uploaded to any OJ yet. Should I just add the problems without links?
Edit: I've added the problems in the system and marked them as unavailable. You can use them now.
All problems from BOI 2019 have been added here: https://cses.fi/boi/list/
Updated BOI problems. It also seems like I forgot to run the script that calculates the stats. That is also fixed now.
I don't think JOISC 2019 problems 'Naan' nor 'Meetings' have working links
Yes. It is because oj.uz has not uploaded them yet (see). But when they do it will appear in the given link (discussion). I forgot to mark the unavailable problems red. Now it is fixed. Thanks.
The link for CEOI 2009 seems to be broken. Also CEOI 2009 problem statements are in Korean. CEOI 2009 problem 1 Boxes is missing.
I suggest to add links to cses.fi. Here you can find CEOI 2005-2018. One can both participate virtually and upsolve the problems. cses also contains some other contests(e.g. BOI 2005-2019).
It was in my TODO list for a while. Now it is done.
Now all CEOI and BOI problems have direct links to the contest on cses.fi. (previously only https://cses.fi/boi/list/ was given for BOI problems).
Thank you :)
I'm having problems with the site. Screenshot.
I am using free tier dyno in heroku, that gives 550 free app hours per month. Usually it covers the whole month. But this month one of my friend spammed the server and kept it running for some days. So the app was shutdown before 2-3 days to the end of the month. Hopefully you'll be able to access it again the tomorrow (new month).
Also free tier gives 10K rows in the database, and the app already has 9K+ rows. So I gotta figure out what to do ... I am planning to host it in gcloud, but I am not eligible for a credit card yet.
Can anyone suggest anything? :(
If you will somehow manage to host it in some paid service, i think many people (including me) will donate you to support this amazing checklist!
I am in too!
What about asking oj.uz to acquire your webapp? ojuz .o.
Speaking of donations: oj.uz also receives donations. You can donate by clicking the small heart icon in the upper-right corner, which redirects you here.
If you enjoyed using it, then show that you care, just like how I do :D
It seems I can't donate from Russia :(
Oh I didn't know you have an account :) What are commonly used payments in Russia (or other countries that doesn't use Paypal)?
I do not often use the payment to foreign countries so I am not sure...
If you're still a student, you can apply for GitHub's student pack, which includes 2 years of a free Heroku hobby dyno
I've managed to host the app in PythonAnywhere. I already have the github student pack, but I don't want to use the dyno on this app, so saving it.
And, hobby dyno still have a row limit I guess? But PythonAnywhere free version has a limit on the size of database, which my app will probably never cross.
Maybe your college can also help with that?
Auto comment: topic has been updated by RezwanArefin01 (previous revision, new revision, compare).
You can share source files so anyone can run oichecklist locally.
Now oichecklist is up to date Check here
We miss oichecklist :(
Migrated from Heroku to PythonAnywhere. Now the app is running on https://oichecklist.pythonanywhere.com. All data from previous app was imported into this. If you find any errors in your checklist please let me know.
(You may want to search your browser history and delete all entries of oichecklist.herokuapp.com)
It would be great if we could sort the problems by number of solvers.
There is a nice collection of IZhO problems on oj.uz. It would be great if you could add them.
Problems from InfO(1) Cup 2017-2020 and IZHO 2011-2019 have been added to the checklist. Currently the checklist contains 907 problems.
However, I couldn't find the following things:
If someone knows anything of the above available somewhere, please share them.
Do you have any plans for adding problems from other contests (specifically the Balkan OI and Croatian OI/COCI)? Also, will you ever open-source the checklist or is security a concern?
Yes, I have plans to add more OIs (COI, RMI, EJOI, RMI, NOI-SG, etc). I will add COI when most of the problems become available in the new COCI judge; currently many problems don't have translation. For Balkan OI, I can't find a place to submit. oj.uz only have 2018 and 2011. Are they available somewhere?
I probably won't open-source the checklist. It is my first ever web app, and very badly written.
https://www.acmicpc.net/category/94 for Balkan OI problems
AFAIK all COCI's and COI's have a translation since 2006 :/
I saw some non-english tasks in https://evaluator.hsin.hr/tasks/. However, it seems to me COI tasks are not even uploaded here yet.
I do believe older COI's will be added in the future. All non-translated problems are either from lower-level competitions or the TST's. The only translated TST is from 2020. So those problems do not belong to either COI or COCI. I don't know whether the TST problems will ever be completely translated. Maybe I'll decide to briefly translate the more recent TST's. I'll publish it on Codeforces if I do.
Even if you don't open source the code, potentially is there a way where we can help collect information for various OIs so you could more easily add it to the website? I'm sure that people would be willing to work on this, and it could it easier for other OIs to be added to the list.
Thanks! Hope we could add or modify the link ourselves.
Please add COCI problems, even if all the links are not avaible right now. I want to mark the problems that I did. Another thing, you can find COCI problems also in dmoj.ca .
Please COI and Balkan as well.Also is there any way to open source the checklist so that others can also contribute.
Can you add these recent contests (BOI and usaco) which happened this year?
Up again. I forgot to click "Run until 3 months from today" button in a while.
Anyway I can add my own problems into the list? I'm from Thailand and I wanted to add some Thailand Olymaids in Informatics problem into the list for me to work on
i can't register((((((
activation letter just doesn't come. i tried using 3 mails, but none of them worked
Sorry for the inconvenience :( I did not have enough time to fix this earlier.
The problem was that Google had stopped giving less secure apps access to login with just password. Now I am using a workaround with app specific passwords. Can you try again now? Use the resend mail link from the register page.
wow! thanks for the answer :)
I tried using two emails and did as you said, but it's not working(((
I created a new account with another email, and it worked!!!
Thanks for it!
But it would be nice if I could use my main email and my nickname, but activation letter doesn't come
I would appreciate it greatly if you added Croatian Open Contest in Informatics, Croatian Olympiad in Informatics, Balkan Olympiad, and Canadian Olympiad.
Is there any plan to publish source code?
Can you maybe add the problems from jboi?
Could you please add POI 2021 and POI 2022?
Nice work, thanks a lot!
Just a feature request though, can you please a add button that will give me a random problem to solve?
Can you please add the ejoi problems?
It’s down now. What happened?
Sorry for necroposting, but it would be very helpful if you could add NOI to this checklist (I would be willing to contribute myself as well if the project were open source). Lots of NOI problems can be found here on oj.uz. Admittedly, this is not exhaustive, but it is definitely better than nothing.
(I think) all NOI problems can be found on codebreaker, but this isn't a public resource as you need admin verification to create an account.
Please update with more recent problems the site and I dont know any alternatives except for the "Notes" app would be a shame if it would die off(
Sorry again for reviving this blog.
Because all these problems are olympiad problems, they have subtasks. It would be awesome if you added the ability to label problems as partially solved/implemented (maybe some sort of text input field to mark which subtasks have been completed? or even a few extra colors to mark (easy subtasks done, haLf ~2/3, Armv all)
It seems that site is down? (after opening the link pythonanywhere default screen gets loaded)
edit: site is working now
Same for me
Sorry for necroposting, but can the problems from 2024 please be added to the checklist