Question You are given an array A of n integers. Let the maximum possible bitwise OR of any subsequence of elements of the array be M. You need to print n integers numbered from 1 to n. The ith integer denotes the number of distinct subsequences of size i of the array whose bitwise OR is equal to M. Since the integers can be very large, print each of them modulo 10^9+ 7.
Note: Two subsequences are distinct if there exists at least one postion of the array which is included in one of the subsequences and not so in the other.
1 ≤ n ≤ 5000
0 ≤ Ai < 2^12
Can you provide the link of insomnia final?
I don't have the link of contest but individual problems are as follows:
run walk run
k strip cut
k-difference subseq
same old grid
k-th lexicographical array
inversion count
valid gcd tree
maximum or
Bruteforce + Inclusion-exclusion Principle + Binomial Coefficients.
Inclusion Exclusion on what ?
On the bitwise-OR value.
For each i, we need to calculate "how many subsequences of length i whose bitwise-OR result is a subset of v" for each v.