dx24816's blog

By dx24816, history, 7 years ago, In English


I want to submit my code to the problems on USACO 2011-2012 (usaco.org), but for some reason it doesn't have analysis mode like the other years. When I download their test data, some of the data is in some weird language (Chinese or Japanese or Korean?), and they aren't formatted right, as they are all in one line with little or no spaces. Is there any way I can test my code for these USACO problems? Thanks!


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7 years ago, # |
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it works for me when i open in sublime text

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    7 years ago, # ^ |
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    Also, is there anyway I can test all the test cases at once using some outside driver program? It seems inconvenient for me to copy and paste each test case individually into text files to test each one.