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geniucos's blog

By geniucos, history, 7 years ago, In English


Does anybody know if this year's edition of Mujin is supposed to be open internationally? Like will international participants be eligible for prizes and will the tasks be in English? I really liked last year's edition, but considering there was no blog about it and right now its description is fully Japanese, I tend to think that this year's edition might be Japanese-only...Can someone confirm this?

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7 years ago, # |
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I think it is "for" Japanese. First, it is not rated. Second, the contest top page is written only in Japanese, and this implies that the problem statement will be written in Japanese.
But it is not written in the rule, whether the contest prizes are only for Japanese, or not. So, thinking positively, if you can read Japanese or use translating application to read Japanese, you can participate, I think.

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    7 years ago, # ^ |
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    This might be a bit late but who should I contact to ask if they give out prizes for non-Japanese?