Akansha's blog

By Akansha, history, 7 years ago, In English

can anyone provide me this problem working solution. i can't able to solve this problem

##################################################################################################################### Consider a string, s = "abc". An alphabetically-ordered sequence of substrings of s would be {"a", "ab", "abc", "b", "bc", "c"}. If we reduce this sequence to only those substrings that start with a vowel and end with a consonant, we're left with {"ab", "abc"}. The alphabetically first element in this reduced list is "ab", and the alphabetically last element is "abc". As a reminder: Vowels: a, e, i, o, and u. Consonants: b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, y, and z.

Complete the findSubstrings function in your editor. It has 1 parameter: a string, s, consisting of lowercase English letters (a − z). The function must find the substrings of s that start with a vowel and end with a consonant, then print the alphabetically first and alphabetically last of these substrings.

Input Format The locked stub code in your editor reads a single string, s, from stdin and passes it to your function.

Constraints 3 ≤ length of s ≤ 5 × 105

Output Format Your function must print two lines of output denoting the alphabetically first and last substrings of s that start with a vowel and end with a consonant. Print the alphabetically first qualifying substring on the first line, and the alphabetically last qualifying substring on the second line.

Sample Input 1 aba

Sample Output 1 ab ab

Explanation 1 "ab" is the only possible substring which starts with a vowel (a) and ends with a consonant (b). Because we only have 1 qualifying substring, "ab" is both the alphabetically first and last qualifying substring and we print it as our first and second lines of output.

Sample Input 2 aab

Sample Output 2 aab ab

Explanation 2 There are 2 possible substrings which start with a vowel and end with a consonant: "aab" and "ab". When ordered alphabetically, "aab" comes before "ab". This means that we print "aab" (the alphabetically first qualifying substring) as our first line of output, and we print "ab" (the alphabetically last qualifying substring) as our second line of output.

Sample Input 3 rejhiuecumovsutyrulqaeuouiecodjlmjeaummaoqkexylwaaopnfvlbiiiidyckzfhe

Sample Output 3 aaop utyrulqaeuouiecodjlmjeaummaoqkexylwaaopnfvlbiiiidyckzfh

Explanation 3 There are 4830 substrings of s, but only 676 of them start with a vowel and end with a consonant. When ordered alphabetically, the first substring is "aaop" and the last substring is "utyrulqaeuouiecodjlmjeaummaoqkexylwaaopnfvlbiiiidyckzfh".

###################################################################################################################### Link: https://www.careercup.com/question?id=5722625641807872

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7 years ago, # |
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Create a suffix array. Find out position of last consonant.

Now going through suffix array order see if the suffix starts with a vowel and the position is less than that of the last consonant otherwise continue going through the loop. For the first suffix that satisfies the above criteria run a loop and find the first consonant. That will be the first string.

For the second string do the same just iterate through the suffix array from the last.

7 years ago, # |
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yes do the same but getting tle in 2 testcase