Hello Codeforces Community,
I invite you all to join HackerRank's World Codesprint 13 starting on 26 May 2018. The contest duration is 48 hours.
The winners of the contest will win up to 1000USD cash prizes. Also, there are opportunities to win some nice T-shirts.
The contest will be rated. If two persons get the same score, the person who reached the score first will be ranked higher. There will be 7 algorithmic challenges in the contest.
The problems are prepared by immuntasir, sreka11, pkacprzak, virus_1010, qoo2p5, saluja123, BishalG, Manashi, Baba, adamant, and myself.
Good luck, and I hope you enjoy the problems!
Also, there are opportunities to win some nice hoodies.
According to the site it is Champion t-shirts. So is it hoodies or T-shirts now?
Sorry about the mistake! I have fixed the post above.
Also please check the date. The website says 25th May and this post says 26th. Thanks.
It really depends on which timezone you are. He is not wrong in saying it's 26th, the website says 26th for me.
Auto comment: topic has been updated by kevinsogo (previous revision, new revision, compare).
Wow I'm so famous
Now, they are too.
hai! xD