TCO18 Beijing Parallel Rated SRM
Round Editorials are now published —
TCO18 Beijing Parallel Rated SRM is scheduled to start at 03:00 UTC -4 on May 26, 2018. Click here to know what time it starts in your area.
You will be able to register for the SRM in the Arena or Applet 4 hours prior to the start of the match. Registration closes 5 minutes before the match begins, so make sure that you are all ready to go.
Don’t know how to compete in Topcoder SRMs?
Check out this guide to successfully compete in an algorithm match.
You can compete using:
- Topcoder Web Arena(Beta) - Please watch this video for step by step guide.
- Topcoder Java Applet - You can refer to this guide here to set up the applet. (Note that those who have Java 8 installed on their machine will see a security issue — You will have to add Topcoder in security exceptions in Java Control Panel. Please refer to the details in the guide here)
Bumping up.
Reminder: The contest starts in 4 hours. So, registeration has started.
If you are not an onsite participant, you can register "Fun Round Beijing" not "Beijing Round".
The Round begins in 40 mins! Hope to see most of you competing! All the best! :)
How to solve 1000?
To make it easier, let's assume
a = 0
.There is a naive upper bound for the number of rows:
, the left hand side is the sum of all rows, and the right hand side is the minimum sum of all columns. The inequality gives
, and in fact we can always construct a solution of
Could please explain how to get second inequality and achieve second upper bound?
The second inequality comes directly from the first one.
The main idea of the construction is to fill the columns with
[0, 1, 2, ..., r - 1]
and[r - 1, r - 2, ..., 1, 0]
alternatively.The tricky part is when the number of columns is odd. In this case, we can construct a special case for three columns and expand to the case of any odd columns.
can you share an editorial for this?
Editorial will be published tomorrow. I will share the link here once it is published :)
Match Editorials —
For the 500ptr, there is an alternate solution that does not involve the 2 DP states for each i. Find all underscores that can be converted to dots (leading underscores can't be converted, underscores followed by a digit can't be converted).
For a group of consecutive underscores of size K, the no. of ways is FK + 2, where Fi denotes the ith Fibonacci number. The final answer is the product of each group's ways.
When are the ratings going to be updated?
Ratings will be updated in 7-8 hours from now! We had an issue with Poland Round Ratings — Fixing that currently! -Ratings will be updated after that :)
Ratings have been updated :)
So, the fun round is unrated?
The fun round is rated and you can check here —
UPD: I realized that you were "unrated" because your rating change was exactly zero :)
It seems that it is rated, and my rating didn't change which makes me feel that it is unrated.
Thanks a lot!