Good day!
For technical reasons, we've decided to move the start time of the online version of the round. Online version will be held as separate competition CROC-MBTU 2012, Final Round (Online version, Div. 2). Please register for this competition.
This round will be usual rating round for the Div. 2 participants.
UPD. The online version of the round will come soon. Let me remind you that this contest will hold by usual Codeforces rules. The score distribution is 500-1000-1500-1500-2000.
Enjoy contest!
Any difference between CROC-MBTU 2012, Final Round and CROC-MBTU 2012, Final Round (Online version, Div.2)? Can we participate both? Will both rated for Div.2?
No, the first one will be local competition.
Firstly clarify which one are you talking about .There are 2 contests here:
Final Round — There is no self registration allowed in this. So if you cant register on your own , there is no scope to unregister .
Online Round — If you are talking about this ,then find yourself in this page [link] and click the cross symbol.
I wish it could be rating for Div.1 participants ...
Sorry ... I made a mistake ... It seems also being rating for Div1 ....
Actually it seems that is going to be rated only for Div2 contestants.
Is it a school competition?
Problems won't be same,will they? And,will borh contest be rated?
is the contest OPPA ACM ICPC STYLE ?
No email has been issued for this rated div 2 contest.
How many problems?
If they follow a parallel structure of the contests, there should be 8 problems, as many as in the qualification round.
In the qualification round there were ACM-ICPC rules, but today there will be Codeforces format.
have a nice exam and successful hackings :D
wish you high ratings
Nice tasks. Thanks for preparing)))
Wow Amazing system testing speed.
Wow Very fast judging!!! :)
You dont say :)
Becose there was not a lot of Hacks and Participants.
ORZ.I make a lot of mistakes...I'd better go to sleep...
Very fast!!!
so quick testing!! thanx! )
Wow! What a fast system testing!!! :-o
This was an ideal contest ..
Nice and clear problem statement , no problems in server , good compilation of problems and above all extremely fast system test.
Btw , why dont they use such system testing in normal rounds ?
System test is faster because the number of participants is low.
Very quick system testing! Less than 5 minutes!
Could have solved all the problems for the first time .... forget to use long long for the last problem and the output overflowed... sign... T^T
In КРОК-МВТУ 2012, Финальный раунд (Online версия, Div. 2), I try to slove 250B - Восстановление IPv6, wrong on pretest 1, but I'm sure my output is the same as standard output, can anyone tell why it happend? Submission link here : 2660795
Python's interpreter also agrees with ya
You print something like '\0', such symbols are not shown in web pages, but your program really outputs them.
But I don't know which symbol print....
You output '\0' or something in printf("%c", s[k]). j can be equal to s.length(), and k can be equal to j.
edit: oops I didn't notice your blog post
Thanks a lot.
The puts ("") looks suspicious to me.
"This terminating null-character is not copied to the stream."
I have try scanf, printf, puts to cin/cout, but still wa on pre1.
Oh ok, thanks.
nobody hacks succesfuly. lol
can anyone explain why TLE for pretest2 in problem B ?!??? is it a problem with I/O ?
It's a case like "::a56f:d3:0:0124:01:f19a:1000" or "a56f:d3:0:0124:01:f19a:1000::"
My implementation successfully and in time!! passed these test-cases, i think something's wrong with problem B!
It give WA for this input.
yes you're right, it's WA but not TLE ! I modify my code and now it's true but again TLE.
(there are about 50 submissions for this problem with Time Limit error)
It can be say Wrong Answer in worst case, but "TLE" doesn't make any sense at all for this problem !
Try to debug your program with that test case and see on which line your program loops in an infinite cycle.
wrong answer 1st lines differ — expected: 'a56f:00d3:0000:0124:0001:f19a:1000:0000', found: 'a56f:00d3:0000:0124:0001:f19a:1000:0000'
why???what problem at B???
Problem D should have had more points, as of this moment C solved by 467 persons where as D is solved by 150 people.
Dynamic score distribution may have been a better option.
rating still not updated :/
Rating has already updated!
My A solution is still not Judged!!! While the contest is already over and the rating got calculated my solution is not Judged and I didn't get its points!!
check this image
The final verdict is accepted! But still, it shows still running on test #1 and I got no points for it!!!!!!!!!!
you had got it :) check it :
You really should've uploaded a smaller image :-|. (upd: The image is deleted by commentator now, so now this is irrelevant.)
Your handle doesn't exist in rank 578 or 437(from your profile standings).
PEIN, now I moved up to 523, after the problem got re-judged
MMJ, Thanks!! :)
No, your final rank is 384. Check your profile.
before 3 minutes his rank did 438
you need admins your rank is 384 but you have points of rank 438.
My rank didn't change either!!
I guess we need an admin to look into this!
I have the same problem :( How can I connect with admins to help me?
Me too. My rank didn't change:(
qwevlad This handle is a cheater.
He provided 1 hack for serg_pet and 2 hacks for IVLUKR.
I dont know why people downvote my post...
see 2662331 with hacks n=20, hack id 52529, hacker IVLUKR
see 2661840 with hacks n=58, hack id 52511, hacker IVLUKR
see 2659998 with hacks n=57, hack id 52491, hacker serg_pet
I look forward to the editorial / contest analysis to be published soon for this contest.
Can anyone tell me how to solve Div 2 Problem C. ???
First, you should minimize the sequence and eliminate the consecutive duplicates. e.g. For Sample 1, change
1 1 2 3 2 3 3 1 1 3
1 2 3 2 3 1 3
This can be done in O(n)
Then for each number, if the two numbers beside it is the same, then excluding this number will get 2 fewer stress; otherwise, there will be only 1 fewer stress.
For the first one and the last one, excluding these two numbers will always get 1 fewer stress.
So excluding 1 will get 3 fewer stress;
excluding 2 will get 3 fewer stress;
excluding 3 will get 4 fewer stress.
This can be done in O(n) again.
Since excluding 3 can get more fewer stress, answer is 3.
Also remember that the genres are 1-index based, while you are likely dealing with 0-based array indices.