Hello everyone,
I'm not a good English writer and i hope you understand me.
For the last 3 days i was thinking why i didn't solve a specific problem in a running round and some people with same rank as me solved it.
Lets go ahead to the result of thinking :
1.they are smarter than me (i have nothing to do with talent).
2.they solved more problems than me or a specific problems that helped them to solve the problem that i couldn't solve (let's try hard work beat talent).
So i developed a PHP script to get me the top common problems from the top 10 users in a specific round i participated in it with same rank as me (Problems i didn't solve)
You can use the script here hunterscript.com
For example i used the script to generate a sheet of problems as tourist in the last round he participate in.
you can check result here
Due to the limited resources for the host (512 ram and 100 process only).
generating the report will take about 5 minute or maybe more if there is long queue(every report go to queue)
if you faced any issue feel free to contact me
i hope this script helps you.
repository at Github
Change log :-
- Fix issue that prevent handles with dots or other special characters from making report.
- Adding confirmation before requesting the report (by shakil.ahamed)
great job making this tool, although the usefulness of it is a bit questionable (in my opinion)
Thanks so much.
The current idea i got is to get the most solved problem from the top users with same rank so i will try to develops it with more features
Interesting idea. Unfortunately wasn't able to test it out, due to RegEx for the handle being different to one on Codeforces, currently it doesn't allow dots, so my handle doesn't work
Ok i will fix this issue when i go home UPD: Fixed
It's good that you can make such a script + a site with cute design (I certainly cannot).
But your criterion of what problems are useful is not the best, I think. It is more like 'take 10 people of nearly the same level as me, find a contest in which most of them participated, and give me problem A from this contest'. Doesn't sound like what you meant?
However, if it will motivate you to solve more problems — it is good.
The resources you mentioned are more than enough to serve few users promptly. Can you share the actual logic implemented behind this?
Anyway, I like to make a suggestion:
And, Nice tool.