I have 2 questions in mind, just out of curiousity :). They both consider tries (not compressed). Also note — by a trie's size I'm not considering its root (even though, it does not matter for the purpose of this problem).
1) For some 2 natural numbers N and K (suppose K ≤ N), what is the maximal size of a trie that can be achieved if you take some string S of length N, with the size of its language (number of distinct characters it can contain) being K, and insert into the trie all its suffixes (so, a suffix trie)?
For instance, if N = 2, K = 2, we can form the string "ab", which makes the trie of size 3. On the other hand, if N = 10, K = 1, the only string we can form is "aaaaaaaaaa" which makes the trie size 10.
2) How do you form such a string with maximal trie size? An algorithm or an idea, both are acceptable.
Auto comment: topic has been updated by Noam527 (previous revision, new revision, compare).
For K = 1 the problem is trivial. For K > 1 the string anbn will produce an asymptotically largest trie of size at least n2 (you basically get a chain from bn for every possible prefix of an). Were you interested in the optimal answer? From Wiki it seems like Fibonacci word gives you the worst case for K = 2 and I wonder if some generalization of it leads to the answer for other cases.
I believe this size is
Let's show it if N = Km for some integer
(I think it extends in the general case but it's more cumbersome).
Maybe it's possible to refine this approach and eliminate the O(N) imprecision, but I'm already happy with this.