The problem asks to efficiently perform insert/erase/index at kth position!
I know it can be solved using Splay Tree easily in O(nlg(n)).
My question however is can we use Order Statistic Tree (PBDS) to solve it too? (inserting might cause issues, I think)
I think it is not possible, because the elements in pbds::tree must be sorted.
But I get accepted by using ext/rope.
(it is really slow.)
I did not find any way to use pbds' internal functions.
ask for index = build splay tree on values
ask for kth = build splay tree on positions
therefore it's not possible to do it in
No, this is a well-known problem that can be done with splay/rbtree/avl in O(n log n).
(Friend, have you heard of sized balanced tree? This is famous in Chinese OI community.
You need a balanced binary search tree, and maintain the size of subtree rooted at each node. Then you can binary search the k-th element of the whole tree.
(maintain the size is a very tedious work, because of the insertion, deletion, rotation, etc)
Fortunately, ext/pb_ds have sized splay/rbtree implementation. But it does not have an interface to insert a node at a specified position (insert(position, value) or insert_before(iterator, value)).
it's finding the kth node right?
i am not quite understand that, i mean, how could u find the kth node's(according to the value) index and insert some node in the kth position(according to the original order) in ?
You misunderstood the problem.
Search and insertion are both according to the index / position, not value.
Position of k-th smallest value is not well-defined anyway, because there can be repeated values, right?
Can I solve it through STL Vector? I didn't know the Splay tree or what you guys are telling... Can you guys suggest me some good blog upon this topic? I am stuck at this problem getting 17 TLE using vector.
If you want I can publish a blog on 32nd March on how to solve it using vectors.
I hope You can do so. But I am extremely sure that I can be as equal as you in next 29th February**** and See you then guy.