The problem asks to efficiently perform insert/erase/index at kth position!
I know it can be solved using Splay Tree easily in O(nlg(n)).
My question however is can we use Order Statistic Tree (PBDS) to solve it too? (inserting might cause issues, I think)
I think it is not possible, because the elements in pbds::tree must be sorted.
But I get accepted by using ext/rope.
(it is really slow.)
I did not find any way to use pbds' internal functions.
ask for index = build splay tree on values
ask for kth = build splay tree on positions
therefore it's not possible to do it in
No, this is a well-known problem that can be done with splay/rbtree/avl in O(n log n).
(Friend, have you heard of sized balanced tree? This is famous in Chinese OI community.
You need a balanced binary search tree, and maintain the size of subtree rooted at each node. Then you can binary search the k-th element of the whole tree.
(maintain the size is a very tedious work, because of the insertion, deletion, rotation, etc)
Fortunately, ext/pb_ds have sized splay/rbtree implementation. But it does not have an interface to insert a node at a specified position (insert(position, value) or insert_before(iterator, value)).
it's finding the kth node right?
i am not quite understand that, i mean, how could u find the kth node's(according to the value) index and insert some node in the kth position(according to the original order) in
You misunderstood the problem.
Search and insertion are both according to the index / position, not value.
Position of k-th smallest value is not well-defined anyway, because there can be repeated values, right?
Can I solve it through STL Vector? I didn't know the Splay tree or what you guys are telling... Can you guys suggest me some good blog upon this topic? I am stuck at this problem getting 17 TLE using vector.
If you want I can publish a blog on 32nd March on how to solve it using vectors.
I hope You can do so. But I am extremely sure that I can be as equal as you in next 29th February**** and See you then guy.