misis's blog

By misis, history, 8 years ago, translation, In English

The 5-th MISiS Programming Competition (2016-2017) has taken place some time ago. The competition was organized by National University of Science and Technology “MISiS” in conjunction with Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and Cognitive Technologies Corp. Participants were offered a set of 10 problems which they were solving during 5 hours. Only individual participants were admitted to the competition.

This problemset was also used during training camp for students "Hello Barcelona Programming Bootcamp", organized by MIPT.

The problems of the Final Round will be published on Codeforces Gym. The contest based on these problems will take place on Sunday, August 6, 12:00 MSK. We invite everyone to participate in this event.

Please follow http://codeforces.me/gyms to register for the contest.

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