ReaLNero's blog

By ReaLNero, 8 years ago, In English

The recurrence

f(i, i) = 0

f(i, j) = g(f(i, j - 1), f(i + 1, j)) + cost(i, j)

for any function g and cost (minimum and (i + j), respectively, for example) generates a family of graphs that (informally) look like a complete binary tree that cuts into itself.

Has this family of graphs been named? Does it have properties that could be useful in competitive programming?

Notable things:

  • The graphs have no Euler path nor circuit for depths larger than 2.

  • Maximal independent set is taking the last depth, third last depth, etc.

  • Seems like Hamiltonian paths don't exist for larger depths.

  • Hamiltonian circuits definitely don't exist, since there are vertices with degree 1.

  • Odd cycles don't seem to exist, which means the graphs are bipartite

Screenshot courtesy of VisuAlgo

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8 years ago, # |
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"Pascal triangle thingy"

8 years ago, # |
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Corners of square grid:

* - * - * - * - *
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