Блог пользователя harshil

Автор harshil, 8 лет назад, По-английски

Hi everyone!

I would like to invite you to participate in July Easy at HackerEarth. The contest is scheduled to start at 1st July, 2200 hrs IST.

There will be six tasks in the problemset, for beginners in competitive coding. This contest is a Rated contest and open for all.

I hope that everyone from beginners to experienced contestants will be able to find some problem that challenges and interests them.

flatline and arjundabra are the authors of this problemset. The testing was done by me(harshil). Editorials have been written by rick_c137.

As always, r3gz3n was a great help, and I would like to thank him for taking care of all the technical aspects of contest preparation.

While problem solving is rewarding enough on its own, there will be some added incentive for you to do well.

Top3 of leaderboard will receive some nice prizes:

  1. $100 Amazon gift card + HackerEarth T-shirt

  2. $75 Amazon gift card + HackerEarth T-shirt

  3. $50 Amazon gift card + HackerEarth T-shirt

Top 5 beginners (1st year or 2nd year) will receive HackerEarth Tshirts.

Good luck to everyone — hope to see you at the top of the leaderboard.

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8 лет назад, # |
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Contest begins in 30 minutes