I'm extremely sorry for late publication.
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Complexity: O(1).
Author of the idea: Vladik.
Worked on the problem: Vladik.
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Complexity: O(n2).
Author of the idea: MikeMirzayanov.
Worked on the problem: fcspartakm.
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Complexity: O(n3 * m).
Author of the idea: altruist.
Worked on the problem: Vladik.
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Complexity: O(n).
Author of the idea: altruist.
Worked on the problem: altruist.
Tutorial is loading...
Complexity: O(n).
Author of the idea: MikeMirzayanov.
Worked on the problem: altruist.
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Complexity: O(d * (N * M + K)), where d — alphabet power.
Author of the idea: Vladik.
Worked on the problem: Vladik.
Can someone provide more explanation about solving Div-2 E?
Problem C can be done in O(N*M) using dynamic programming.
can you please explain me your approach ? thanks in advance .
It's quite similar to this problem. At state i, you just want to know
Because at the state i, you can't conclude anything, you have to store all of them to conduct the answer at final state.
Check my solution. It's same ideal with Arkin, i think.
Can anyone explain me DP approach of problem C ?
A simpler approach for problem C would be to store the least index for each type (special,alpha,numeric) in each string if exists. you will have a matrix A[n][3]. now you need to find three indexes i,j,k such that A[i][0] + A[j][1] + A[k][2] is minimum. now simply use three nested for loops one inside another and check for the minimum while ensuring i != j != k, which takes O(N*M + N^3) time. Further optimized solution would be to pick the first minimum, second minimum, third minimum from each column and use the three for loops as mentioned above which will reduce the run time to O(N*M + 3^3) = O(N*M).
Hope this helped you, Link to my code
Got it Thanks
Can someone explain to me why is [l - ai;r - ai] in problem D ?
It's interval for Ci, not for Bi, fixed now, thank you.