I'm currently trying to improve my problem solving skills to score high here! Recently a friend of mine suggested that I should start solving the a2oj Ladder (which I am!). But I started noticing that most of the problems there are from old rounds and 90% of those are pretty easy. It gets harder along the way or should I try something else ?
Thanks in advance for any nice tips!
Ladders A and half of B are for total begginers. I would suggest you next strategy:
I'm also doing this approach, but now I'm trying to solve more "codeforceslike" questions, you know ?
After you learn about something search problems in codeforces using tags. For example if you just learned dp do a search like this:
That's useful, Thanks!
Actually it's **https://codeforces.me/problemset?tags=DP** .
yes they do ,in the same way any ordered pset works ,if a pset is too easy (there many definitions for "too easy" but for me I prefer the "you can solve +70% easily" definition) then it's not worth it and you should try a harder one.
my main training for the last 3 months has been solving problems from the 1700 ,1800 and 1900 ladders and the result is that my team qualified to the ACM ICPC and today I got into div 1
Nice work!
My current training is solving almost all questions on UVa judge and learn the theory slowly. But I really want to become good here too so I'm solving those ladders too.
thanks for the new ladder link