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While I do understand that the merge operation can be deduced from the equation (a + b)^2 = a^2 + b^2 — 2ab I could not specifically figure out how would I formulate the merge operation. Any help is really appreciated.
First of all we need to think that what information we need to store in our Segtree. So we need to store two information in the segtree one is the sum of the squares of the numbers and the other is the sum of the numbers.Now why sum of the numbers ?? The reason is in the second update .The merge operation for the question is pretty direct just add the values of the child nodes to get the values of the parent node.
For this particular questions there are two types of updates :-
Sum of Squares Of Numbers = (E-S+1)*NUM*NUM
Sum of Numbers = (E-S+1)*NUM
Sum of Squares of Numbers = Sum of Squares of Numbers before the update + (E-S+1)*1 + 2 *(Sum of Numbers Before the update)
Sum of Numbers = Sum of Numbers before the update + (E-S+1)
The above formula comes because let's say the numbers were a1 , a2 , a3 before the update so the sum of squares would be
a1*a1 + a2*a2 + a3*a3
Now after the update the sum of squares would be
(a1+1)*(a1+1) + (a2+1)*(a2+1) + (a3+1)*(a3+1)
which when you will expand will become
a1*a1 + a2*a2 + a3*a3 + 3*1 + 2*(a1+a2+a3)
So similarly we can do the same for more number of numbers . The rest part for this question is Standard Lazy Segtree Implementation.
That information alone is enough to solve the problem. Consider a range [l, r]. Sum of squares of that range is
. Now suppose you add x to that range, the sum of squares now becomes
. We can express that as
. So if we keep the sum of squares as well as the normal sum for every range, we can process queries without a problem, you just need to be careful with the lazy propagation, specially with the set queries.
Should I storage time of each update?
My solution needed to create two arrays lazy one for the first update and the other for the second update also store all the time for update ..... my soultion get AC , However I think test cases are very weak and my code is not right
my code
sorry, for my english is poor
Thank You very much. :) it is good way but it is very long