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Блог пользователя nimxor

Автор nimxor, история, 8 лет назад, По-английски

Can a member be a part of two different teams? Like Team1: x,y,"ME" and Team2: v,w,"ME" . How will i participate from both the teams at the same time as the online prelims for all the 4 sites are on the same date? Is there a rule that i have to participate in only one team on all the 4 sites .

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8 лет назад, # |
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I think it's okay for 2 different sites.
Last year a team from Bangladesh [ NSU BugLovers ] had Ahmad Faiyaz in Dhaka site and Pinku Deb Nath in Amritapuri site.
I hope Labib666 can say something more specifically.
Dhaka site team list Amritapuri site team list

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    8 лет назад, # ^ |
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    Last year there were two different online contests for both the sites but this year for all the four indian sites there is only a single contest.So I want to ask if there is the rule that a contestant can register in only one team or he can register from both the team's. If yeas than how can it be done.

8 лет назад, # |
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If you plan to attend two Indian Regionals, I don't think you can participate with two different teams. But if you participate in a regional outside India, you can do it, with one team in India, the other in the regional outside.