Блог пользователя challengersy

Автор challengersy, история, 9 лет назад, По-английски

Hi, I tried to solve this problem. I used two vectors to store occurrences of both prefix and suffix; the problem was how to indicate that two sub-strings are different I looked for other submissions i notice that they used a map and a long long number to have this. my question is: wouldn't we have an overflow? how can we be sure that two different sub strings wouldn't have the same number as a result of overflow?

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9 лет назад, # |
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why -1vote? if the topic is not clear,I'll make it clear. if it's easy it won't waste your to help me little bit.

9 лет назад, # |
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What is Petr#113B? It doesn't look like Codeforces Round 113 (Div. 2) whose B is a geometry problem...

9 лет назад, # |
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maybe he's referring to this problem: 113B - Petr#

9 лет назад, # |
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I'm sorry,myfault. I don't know that #113 refer to contest yes as Bruteforceman I meant 113B-Petr