Hello Everyone Recently I installed Ubunto then CMS to start my serious training for SOI then IOI then to ICPC :D
CMS has been installed successfully but the problem is that I want to train on-line with my friends , each one from his house
Can you help me by telling me how I can link my CMS with on-line domain or what I need to do that .
thanks at all :)
you can make the contest on http://acm.hust.edu.cn/vjudge/contest/toAddContest.action
the main reason is to control our contests and create usaco contests
In order to access your installation of CMS from the internet, you will need to set up your router to forward a port to your computer's CMS port (by default 8888), otherwise when a computer tries to access your computer using your IP address, the request will reach your router and stop there.
To link a domain to your IP, you should go to your domain provider's website and set the IP there. If you have a dynamic IP (the one that changes frequently), it could prove difficult to point a domain to your computer. It's more convenient to purchase a static IP from your ISP.
Can you give me some tutorials please ..
thanks at all =D
Since the port forwarding and static IP configuration methods depend on your router's company/model, I can't give you an exact tutorial; it's best if you search for them on your router yourself (or search online). This is what you should generally do:
Note: If you're on a server that is directly connected to the internet (not by means of a router/modem), you won't have to go through any of these steps.
First you must find your local IP address. A local IP address is almost always in the form of 192.168.1.x (where x > 1). On Ubuntu, open a terminal and enter "ifconfig" and you should be able to find it.
It's better to set a static local IP for your device, otherwise you might have to go through these steps every time your device gets disconnected from your router.
Then you must enter your router's configuration page (type or in your browser). When it asks for a username/password, enter the default combination (mine was admin/admin).
Once you enter the configuration page, find the "Port Forwarding" or "Open NAT" section and add a rule to forward a specific public port you choose (port 80 makes things easier) to your device's local IP (the one you found at the beginning) and the CMS port (default:8888). Here's how it would look on my router (D-Link 2730U):
If everything is done correctly and CMS Contest Web Server is running, find your global IP address (search "what is my ip" in Google) and you and your friends should be able to access CMS by entering [your global IP address]:[public port] in a browser. (just [public IP] is sufficient if you set the public port to be 80)
If you have a domain, go to the domain's configuration page and have it point to your global IP address, then your CMS will be accessible with [domain]:[port] or just [domain] if it's port 80.
thank you very much
you wrote something very important to me :)
I'm glad it helped :3