Hello World.
The next Codeforces round is prepared by me. This is my debut in arranging contests. I invite everyone to participate in the second division. I hope that all goes well. I wish you have a nice time and be able to improve your skills in programming.
Thanks to Artem Rakhov (RAD), and Mike Mirzayanov (MikeMirzayanov) for preparation of the round and for motivation.
Good luck and high rating!
Nice move by admins. and encouragement too!! :D
yh. This would inspire others to write good problems for contest. Really looking forward for this contest. :)
I've just noticed that no div-1 round today :(.
I want my D to pass. Please god please.
UPD: My D passed , ThankYou God. :)
Why I can't hack pedromnasc solution of A in CF #89 room #38. In his solution he takes max array size only 110. But in answer, the array size is 198. How it gives correct answer????
It must not print more than 110 char.But it does.. HOW????
Here is pedromnasc's. code. http://codeforces.me/contest/118/submission/741727
Which has 99 char.
And his solution is
Which is correct. :O How??
It's length is 198, which is grater than his "aux" array size. How it obtain the "EXTRA" char (110 to 198)th char in aux[110]?? :O
I also resubmit my code only for the array size.
My question is.......
Does array size matter in CF compiler ????????
so sad :( :'(
Thanks andreyv ...It was unknown to me.
It gives me a good lesson also.. :)
instead give link.
In today's problem C, I wrote my code quickly and believed it to be right, then I submit it with G++, and it returns an "Runtime Error"
Like this:
And after some minutes, I resubmitted exactly the same code, but in MS C++
And I passed the pretest and finally got Accepted....
Why this strange thing happens?
UPD: I tried my two problems in "Custum Test", using the test
45 32
and still RE in G++, and AC in C++, isn't it a bug in G++ 4.6?
If num[x] and num[y] are both equal to 0, it will always return true.
Thus for some x and y: cmp(x, y) && cmp(y, x) is true (which semantically means (x<y)&&(y<x)). Likely g++ compiler checks that and yields runtime error if it detects inconsistency like that.
I really like the problem set. Alexander does a great work. Nice description and finally fine problem set with logically good concept.
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if someone can tell me it ... this will be highly appreciated :D
:D :D