Today when I opened CF problemset's standing, I saw this:
Previously I_love_Tanya_Romanova was #1 with 4000 problems, but now he has only less than 2k problems. What happened? Is it bug or new CF feature? Can some admin shed some light on this? Thanks
Maybe gym problems aren't included
We are working on new version of backed. It can calculate some values differently. It seems the old version counts gym problems in problemset standings. Next few weeks we will switch on/off new backend, so you can expect to see old-style standings, new-style, old-style again and so on.
So the plan is not counting gym problems in problemset standings? (i.e. when the new backend is done, the gym problems will not be counted?) That sounds really sad :(
Old system also counted problems multiple times if you solved it in div 1 and div 2. I don't know if the new system does this but I lost around 7 submissions and I haven't done any gym problems so it could be that the new system doesn't count them multiple times.
I don't know if this is somehow related, but I noticed strange difference between number of solved problems on gym page and number of problems in standings.
I've solved less than 40 gym problems but my number of solved problems decreased by 100!(it was about 960 but now it's 860)
Is there any other reason there too?
come on!
How is that possible!?
100! is too huge!
As a side note, these vjudges in the ranklist are a bit demotivating, don't they... I think they compromise the point of the ranklist...
racism everywhere same blog posted by a blue coder but got only 4 upvotes but this blog got +20 and a reply from mike himself.
Don't you feel the same thing brought you -62 votes? Well, Some people earns more respect and reputation than the others. Otherwise such community couldn't exists.
I know that feel bro :D