Hello! I am a fairly advanced programmer (although I'm pretty new), and I know the basic algorithms and data structures used for most problems. However, I don't know how to get better from this state onwards.
I should say that my strength is mainly DS problems. Greedy, D&C, DP I do pretty well (once I recognize a specific-type problem), constructive algorithms seem very hard to me (for example link). For DS, I know pretty much all there is to know about segment trees, BIT, sqrt-decomposition (I call it a DS, don't blame me :D), BSTs, hash, etc (the basic ones), although problems that involve advanced tricks with these (e.g. persistent segment trees, lazy propagation) seem very appealing.
I want to prepare mysef for this year's ACM-ICPC contest, as it is my first year in Uni. I have been learning algo intensively since December.
I would be grateful if you know any good lists of problems that are really crucial and/or teach useful new techniques, as I am stuck momentarily. I have read the results on Google for ACM algorithms and such, so a personal response would be a lot more appreciated :).
I will also try to keep a list updated with interesting problems and techniques, in case other people struggle with the same issue. Maybe this tread will become a learning portal for more people :D.
- (http://e-maxx.ru/algo/) -> there are a lot of algorithmic problems greatly explained, as well as tricks and great algorithms -- the website is in Russian, although it can be translated using Google Translate -- great resource
Thank you a lot!
It's maybe strange that green coder gives you some suggestion, but still here you go. Link
Thanks for the resource! I will be looking through it and see what I can find!
EDIT: The link you gave me is absolute beast! I wish there was something like that in English, too, as some of the explanations are hard to understand through Google Translate.
Yandex is better for translating Russian to English, give it a try.
Why is this post getting negative feedback? I did not have any bad intentions...
Auto comment: topic has been updated by bicsi (previous revision, new revision, compare).
Congrats for reaching IGM in just 2 years. Can you tell us how you did it? :* Did e-maxx resource suggested by the green guy helped you?
Surprisingly (or not), yes, it did.