facug91's blog

By facug91, history, 10 years ago, In English

Hi everbody! Well, I've been trying to understand the solution for this problem for a while, but I think I need a little help.

Link: https://icpcarchive.ecs.baylor.edu/index.php?option=onlinejudge&Itemid=99999999&category=571&page=show_problem&problem=4164

Solutions (all SWERC 2012): http://users.dsic.upv.es/swerc_12/ProblemSet2012/SWERC-2012-solution-outlines.pdf

Yes, it has a pdf with the solution explained. The thing is that there is a mistake (or I can not understand what they mean). They talk about a function SOD(x), which is Sum Of Divisors of x. But the SOD of 12, for example, clearly isn't 3, as they say in the pdf.

I hope someone can give me a hand with it, and if you have some extra topics I can read about, that might help me with this problem, would be great as well!

Thanks in advance.

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10 years ago, # |
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The second column in the table means sum of divisors of the number p1a1·p2a2·...·pcac, if Qi = p1a1 + 1·p2a2 + 1·...·pcac + 1

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    10 years ago, # ^ |
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    Thank you for you answer, now I understand at least what they do in the tutorial. But anyway, I still can not figure out why that solve the problem. I mean, why that function calculates the correct answer... is there some theorem I'm missing or just logic?

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      10 years ago, # ^ |
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      A few transformations:

      Let h(n) = f(n) - n, and as ffao hinted, it's a good time to notice that h(n) is multiplicative. Now let and replace p and q with gp and gq, making p and q relatively prime:

      Let's split n into two divisors d and n / d, (so they have factors Qi and Ri in the official solution). Group q by having the same set of prime factors as d, then p will divide n / d:

      The last sum is the number of divisors of n / d. Replace q with :

      Apply this equation: .

      which is about the same expression as in the solution.

10 years ago, # |
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This problem is funny because it has a solution in , which is way easier to code than the intended solution in O(2P). I guess they just didn't see it.

Hint: if you know f(p1a1) and f(p2a2), is there an easy way to get f(p1a1p2a2)?