I have written a blog post on how to solve Facebook Hacker Cup Round 1 problem Autocomplete using a trie. This is a beginner level article and is meant for those who want to know what a trie is and how to use it in programming problems.
Here's the link: http://blog.anirudhrb.com/2015/02/introduction-to-tries-through-facebook.html
PS: If you are not a beginner, please navigate away from this page immediately and DON'T CLICK ON DOWNVOTE! :P
Thanks. For a log time I was looking for a good and easy-undersandable topic in tries.
I am glad it was helpful to you.
PS: If you are not a beginner, please navigate away from this page immediately and DON'T CLICK ON DOWNVOTE! :P
So then should a beginner downvote it ?
Pardon me, im not very good at reasoning
A beginner would probably find it interesting and upvote the post. A non-beginner, on the other hand, would find it boring and downvote it.
Thanks. It is really nice post. This year I was such a noob when qualifying happened, I didnt even know how to read data from text file. I'm still a noob but lesser noob
Lol. Thank you!