В настройках профиля появился волшебный раздел. С Новым годом!
UPD: Новогодние праздники подходят к концу, магия рассеиваются. В эти праздники волшебной возможностью воспользовались 7482 раз. А вот статистика по цветам, в которые происходили превращения.
цвет | количество |
red | 3044 |
gray | 1652 |
orange | 940 |
green | 817 |
blue | 528 |
violet | 501 |
I'm red, check this out!
oh my god
It seems very interesting :D
in the last days I have changed ALOT!!!
Смогу ли я менять свое звание несколько раз?
Хочется побывать всеми)
UPD: вопрос решен
The colours work in a slightly different way than I expected...
Xellos, is that you? I can't believe XD
You have changed a lot since last year XD
most important thing that tourist is still
international grandmaster!
that's for sure is deep-seated :P
Waaaa, this is really magic!!!
Oh, man ! How the hell should I know who is supposed to be in which devision in Hello 2015 ? Open their account one by one ? Oh :((
Почему не серенький?
Ну я ж не лох какой-то.
You could have set "international grandmaster" by default, I don't think that anybody would choose other option.
LE: Forget what I said :D
Excuse me? :D
I'm a gray Newbie :p
They are all performance of god,god are on the earth now.... It is the end of earth.... remember year of 2015,bless all....
You just went full retard. Never go full retard.
Well, I've always wanted to become grey.
set it to newbie again, it will be grey ;)
Really? I hate red :v
No one likes blue?
Some bug: International Master has red colour
SmartCoder WOW after long time finally I'm RED :P
It was a hard contest now I back yellow again :(
All colors have been shifted one higher -> gray = green green = green green = blue blue = ?!? purple = orange orange = orange orange = red red = red red = red
All colors have been shifted one higher -> gray = green green = green green = blue blue = ?!? purple = orange orange = orange orange = red red = red red = red
It's amazing!:D
А это так и задумано, что новичок — зеленый?
Все цвета были циклический сдвинуты вверх
не циклически, к сожалению
Вот забавно будет, если после 10 января по каким-либо техническим причинам не получится откатить все назад. :)
Why is Candidate Master yellow? Shouldn't it be purple?
You were pupil. After the magic you became a newbie. That must be sad :D
Oh, I couldn't be purple!
Try to change your rank to expert
Now it works right!
Хоть на десять дней почувствуй себя туристом)))
А разве цвет что то меняет?
What?Can I be red?
I just love CF so much at the moment, aaawesome :D
I'm newbie, but I can't be gray:( anyway, it's amazing present from Santa, lol
I'm newbie, but I can't be gray:( anyway, it's amazing present from Santa, lol
now I'm gray :)
it's working!
What?Can I be red?
i'm blue but now i'm ... it's amazing
I believe Santa!!!
All newbies, pupils and specialists are gunna be red coders (looking forward to actually be), and all of the red/orange coders are gunna be green or even grey (missing old days, or even trying somthing they never tried before) Happy new year all :') Many thanks to MikeMirzayanov and Codeforces team for this marvelous motivating experiment :")
I`m Green now, Never reached it! Your absolutely right.
Please add White!! I wanna be worse :D
From now on, perhaps we must consider a pupil as a strong coder since my strong acquaintances became pupil!
i hope magic will put my name in top rated coders xD'
Yeah, finally...Grey
hahahah) finally, at least somehow :D
Все красные хотят быть серо-зелеными, а все остальные наоборот. Забавно :)
CF: li li li li li lilili
User: che bahale dobbbbare...
CF: li li li li li...
Now we can't trust colours! :D
Я красный ура ура ура
If only there was a combined divisions contest right now, much confusion would happen.
It will be enough confusing in Hello 2015!
Цвет я поменял, казалось бы, что логично и логин... но кто знает, на сколько надежно волшебство?
The contribution system is broken now! How can I upvote red commentators when everybody is red?
WOW! My color is as same as dreamoon color:D
Apparently MikeMirzayanov always looks forward to making unexpected surprises to coders every year (that's one of the reasons I like CodeForces). We thank him for this, it's so much fun. :)
Наконец-то мой реальный цвет соответствует психологическому.
WOW! My color is as same as dreamoon color. :D
Now That Im Grey I Cant Solve Anything... :( Im Such a NOOB
Now I don't need to lose rating in order to become Newbie yashar_sb_sb.
Ура, вернул свой старый ник — вот теперь год по-настоящему удался!
Ну и зачем менял?)
А я цвет
Не ври
It Would Have Been More Fun if There Was A Black Color As Well, Like MikeMirzayanov's
Why Are You Typing Like Jaden Smith?
I like it!
Oh my God!
Happy New Year!
Number of users in Good Bye contest was 6274 how you ranked 9999 :P :P
Magic does not happen a lot, but it happens, right?
btw you are good but you have to make little practice :P
I will make training for some Newbie peoples it will be good to join :D
btw this training will end after 10 days :D
I can't wait to join. 8-)
So the bedtime story about 'prince and frog' was true :P
wondering if Rating 0 is grey OR white :D
Ah, you're apparently haven't seen worse. There's a whole story (in Russian), but TL;DR is that while the dude went into negative, his handle stayed gray.
I haven't seen any changes :?
But Happy New Year for all :)
Imagine how this thread would look to a random person looking at it in a month or something. "What is this collective madness, everyone talking about colours they don't have?"
lol, don't worry about me. I will be purple next month, be optimist!
Now imagine the random person reading this post which managed to somehow predict his thoughts in advance
Handles in red catch the eye more, for some reason :P
There is a sense of unfamiliarity when I read popular handles with different colours.
MikeMirzayanov please enable this feature in april fools :)))
That is one beautiful idea .
Let's see if MikeMirzayanov is going to use this feature too. Btw I wanted to become black , where is it ? :)
reds -> gray !reds -> red
:D Fun
Best part:
Я Международный гроссмейстер !, хотя не написал еще не одного контеста! Супер! Спасибо Санте)
Зарегистрирован 10 минут назад ради этой шутки?
Y U no add Bold Black, I like it more :D
Dreamoon should be very happy, he can go to div2 easily
Why happy?! He spent 9 contests to get to Div. 2, but now he only needs to believe in Santa Claus :D
I've Got The Magic In Me!!! WOOOOOHOOOOO :D
Thanks MikeMirzayanov
Let's become One color and One team!!
What a nice color...thank you ;)
Wow, last contest was a nightmare, and now I'm orange ^^,... okNo, damn overflow!! :/
Thanks for every contest Codeforces and happy new year to everybody!
Распределение по дивизионам в Hello 2015 contest будет немного странным...
You did a lot of good works in new year...
Can i ask you for 200+ rating too?? :D
Your rating is already more than 200 :D
Пацаны, поставьте лайк на аву плиз)))
Лайк, однозначно!
Збс ава, где такую достать можно???
Физрук — отличный сериал. Отражает настроения общества. Жаль, что некоторые люди не понимают(
Where is white? I want to be worse!
When I was green/blue, I was dreaming that I will be red someday. Now that I'm red, sometimes I want to see my handle in green/blue. Now it's fulfilled. Thanks Codeforces :D
Look at real magic...
If dreamoon_love_AA could wait a little bit lolo
2900 is International Grand Master
Yep just noticed my mistake
it is not a mistake it is a magic :P
I knew christmas is magic ;) Thanks santa claus
I knew christmas is magic ;)
Thanks santa :)
I can't even trust my shadow :D
Why newbie is green?
Мне все время казалось, что чего-то не хватает. И тут я вспомнил! А ведь вердикт Полное решение неплохо было бы поменять на С Новым годом!, как в прошлом году =)
UPD: Ура-ура, уже обновили)
I want to be unrated ! :D
add this rank please . :x
I'm just waiting for tourist to be newbie....
This "magic" should be called "the dreamoon power". .
Oh my God!!! Really awesome...
Порадовало что сейчас каждое AC по задачи сопроваждается поздравлением с новым годом
Plot Twist: Codeforces will bring your rating down to whatever you set right now after Jan 10
dreamoon_love_AA will have another opportunity to win in division 2 if that happen.
Now entered the new year in Uzbekistan! Happy New Year GMT+5!
Haha, this is great :D
It's so fun! Thank you Mike Mirzayanov :D
indeed :D
Yep , It's fun while We know that in real We are all grandmasters :D
Finally my wish 7 months ago is granted :-D
Now I become red! awesome magic, thank you, thank you ;-)
actually it's not, because now (plot twist) jonathanirvings has become Pupil!
У worse есть шанс стать красным!)
Happy New Year everybody
Amazing to see my handle in red. :)
i love new yearish codeforces (guessn i invented a new world) every thing is awesome, i dont know why im commenting this here and mentioning it !!! maybe because i want to share my feelings, every thing is great :) actually its my first time spending these hours in codeforces and i feel great :) thank you codeforces team :)
Surprised nothing happened to tourist yet :)
Так вот почему cf не работал)
хоть где то я красный
Hooray! Now my handle color matches my avatar!
Codeforces. Sponsored by Santa Claus
Unfortunately, magic doesn't work for those who log-in with gmail... We have no password. I feel excluded, this is racism. :´(
Oh, there is a way. Just "reseted" my password.
No more excuses about downvotes because the color! ;)
Доступно ли людям вне рейтинга смена цветов?
видимо, да.
Thanhs Mike! This is real magic!
It would be also funny to allow to participate in div1/div2 contests according to the color, not to the rating;)
It would be more funny if MikeMirzayanov changed his color :D
amazing feature :P hope still forever :D
amazing feature :P hope still forever :D
Why I change my handle over 2 hours but my submissions still appear old handle ?
Тем временем ilona. inc, похоже, окончательно лишились работы.
And my color is ...
still that!
Did anyone become "Headquarters"?
Here we go :D
My dream became true! Thank you santa claus
Happy new year!
It's a battle between International Grandmaster and Newbie !
Another magic happened here! :) thanks to my brother! :)
You just leaked your invisible email:) and your name, Simin
Her complete name was leaked before at ICPC. :D
Yea she "leaked" her email , her name , her photo , rating , browser , browser theme , OS , the day of the week , the time at her timezone ... . I mean look at all the important stuff that she "leaked" . She's gonna be in great danger I'd give you that .
I hoped no one notice that :)
Top rated !? please add my name !! please :D
Be my guest
happy new year!! best site ever!!
please give my negative mark
mike don't use magic ... why??? u r my papa noel
and my gift for all users is +1 vote for all comments in this blog. :x
happy new year.
Santa Claus' existence is now confirmed a lot more times in codeforces by coders than in any kindergarten by the children .
Will I be able to enter Div1 contests ? Does it depends on the colour or the rating ?
Ужас, о чем вы только думаете! Теперь придется перед тем, как лайкнуть или дислайкнуть коммент, ходить в профиль смотреть настоящий рейтинг автора!
"Magic does not happen a lot". I guess that is true because I'm not red. I'm still purple :(((
Still the same T T
Interesting.I'm red.
I guess IWillBeRed was right !
I think that you need to resize the image before uploading.
What did you press that this pop up took place, cancel or ok??
Sometimes happiness is taking screenshots... :D
what will happen?
Hold on, does this means I can compete with tourist in the next Div.1 competition?!
If santa is real, I wish I can be #1 in the next Div.1 contest. :)
Now worse can become an international grandmaster! :O
Does not work for those who logs in with Gmail.
You can add password to your profile, and then it would work.
How do i do that? i have no old password. and also can i use the gmail login after that?
You may restore your password as if you forgot it on login page. You still will be able to use gmail
Thanks, man.
Indentation of the comments ↑ Floyd-Warshal :D
i didn't know that becoming red infact international grandmaster will be so easy!!
dis like me pls as New Year gifts
That's funny is, if after January 10 for some technical reasons, will not roll back all back. :)
I hate to say this right as I find myself approaching red but, with ratings gradually inflating, we might have to raise the thresholds to something like:
3300 International Grandmaster of Legend (royal red), alternatively: International Superstar Grandmaster
3000 International Grandmaster (royal red)
2700 Distinguished Grandmaster (red)
2400 Grandmaster (red)
2200 International Master (orange)
2000 Master (orange)
1800 Candidate Master (purple)
1600 Expert (blue)
1400 Specialist (turquoise)
1200 Senior Pupil (green)
1000 Junior Pupil (light green)
-infinity Newbie (grey)
Unranked (applies to coders of all ratings who competed less than 3 times)
Div 1 could start at 1600 or 1800. Adding colour variations in the lower ratings can make the prospect of ranking up more fun and approachable for newcomers.
We might also look for a way to make the rating distribution converge faster so that rewriting ranks doesn't become an annual tradition. Maybe a one-time increase in the parameter that makes it hard for a high-rated coder to rise and a low-rated coder to drop? Does the formula take into account how round length affects variance? CF rounds are longer than TC, so there would be less variability in the results, increasing the spread of ratings. I'd be interested in seeing the update formula if it were to be published for the sake of discussion.
Given that CF ratings start at 1500 (while TC starts at 1200), and assuming 2400 retains the prestige of TC's 2200 at convergence, then by linear extrapolation, CF 3300 would be equivalent to TC 3200, or top 8, i.e. the superstars whose names are known by all! Sorry for so many edits.
What about persons which rating under zero?
Hmmm I wonder if I'll stay red forever if I don't change my color back......
I wish my magic color becomes a true color by this year end :D
WOW! I'm red now! Cool!
Not bad for worse, I think)
I'm Blue Da Ba Dee — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68ugkg9RePc
@up Wow, red worse, pretty unusual view :)
i hope the magic ithem remains a bit more because it is fun and interesting for users and i like yellow :)
It's 22:00 now (server time). Will magic disappear in 2 hours?
Just entered Codeforces and my nick and rating are red again ;__;
You're crying about being red?
I'm always crying about being gray but you?!!
Ah I posted in the wrong page. Sorry, please ignore...