I am going to quit from Algorithm contests since I want to be a moe~moe~ theoretical computer scientist <_< . In memory of my algorithm competition days, I plan to collect those problems(remove some routine trivial problems) written by me and translate those Chinese ones into English, it might be interesting for all of you to solve :)
It might take some days to finish, I will first list some English problems :)
From Multi-University Training Contest 2013 and 2014
- Life Game
- Crime
- Endless Spin (one of my favorite)
- Jinloid
- The only survival
- Hero’s assistant
- Hero meet devil
A very old problem on SPOJ:
From 2014 ACM/ICPC Asia Regional Anshan Online and Onsite:
> algorithm competitor
> theoretical computer scientist
Why not both?
Btw your last visit is 97 minutes ago now, while this blog post is said to have been posted 59 minutes ago. How do you do it, are you a wizard? :D
You know, life is too short to learn math.
Considering an individual, life HAD been also short for calculus, mechanics, optics, philosophy, theology and economics.
your last visit is 97 minutes ago now, while this blog post is said to have been posted 59 minutes ago
This timer shows some random time:) Sometimes you just refresh page and last visit there changes:) Sometimes it shows time from start of the session, not from the end. Sometimes it shows 1 hour ago, then online 10 minutes later, then 8 hours ago 30 minutes later:)
YuukaKazami, you will not participate in competitions at all? Or you just want to say that you will stop creating problems and doing regular trainings — but still visit some contests when you have time for it?
It will be good that you can also share your training camp material or your notes if present in English.
Won't you participate in any qualification round for some onsite event ?
Some contestants who retired from regular rounds (like Codeforces or SRM) still participate in qualification rounds and sometimes advance to the onsite.
Does that mean you are not going to participate in ACM ICPC this season?
YuukaKazami is in Guangzhou now. He will participate in ACM/ICPC regional tomorrow there.
... and he decided to play the game with two girls for fun, quite insane idea.
"I am going to quit from Algorithm contests since I want to be a moe~moe~ theoretical computer scientist <<"_
My expected position in every contest has become 0.99999 better since this very moment.
BTW, your chance to win a competition against YuukaKazami is as high as ~2.3%, if we'll calculate this probability using CF rating formulas and your current ratings:)
Therefore i have a bad news for you, your expected position become only 0.977 better...
Let me clarify that this would be true, only if YuukaKazami would participate in every contest. On CF he took part only in ~60 rounds, so his activity is ~2%. I would say Roman's expected place decreased by 0.977·0.02 = 0.01954. Such an improvement :-)
2% out of what?.. Total number of contests at CF is less than 500 — even with div2 only and div1/div2 contests as separate events.
And now with your updated calculations Roman should be even more upset:( In the morning he used to think that he made such a big improvement today.
sorry, my bad, it was 20% :-) Well, rounded a bit.
Thank you guys) Now I know that it's not only my mom who cares about me))
But I don't know why you say it. I don't think there is a contradiction between becoming a theoretical computer scientist and taking part in Algorithm contests. Maybe I'm very foolish.
I have the same ideal with you.
It looks like you are feeling bad after your performance in TCO finals :( If that is the case, then I think you should reconsider your decision. After all does it really require one to leave competitive programming to become a good researcher in computer science (or learning CS in general)? We have quite a few examples of successful researchers and competitive programmers on codeforces/ topcoder. So I would ask you to re-think about the rationale of your decision.
Come on. Don't you think that one can find it boring to compete after years of intense trainings and competitions. I also believe that it's not like classic sport and having a long break may be useful.
It it is boring, then there is no problem to leave it.
Well, he tried to retire so many times, for example:
He can't make it to IOI2012 and decide to retire. But you know he is the winner of IOI2013.
After this year's world final, his team did not performance well and he decide to retire. But some days after that he said "I will beat tourist in Google Code Jam!". (But unfortunately he can't come to US for GCJ because visa issue.)
This time he can't beat tourist during Topcoder Open, so he decide to retire again.
So I guess he will not stop attempting to beat tourist.
Endless spin is a really nice problem, thanks. Is it intended to get 15 correct digits using big rationals?
Yes, or some arbitrary precision floating numbers.
The text "不建议使用long double" in Hints section of the problem translated to "It is NOT recommended to use long double", and according to what YuukaKazami wrote in the editorial of this problem, it means "BigDecimal wins".
I don't understand that picture in statement — what does it depict? Does probability of choosing interval [l, r] equals to
for all integer values satisfying 1 ≤ l ≤ r ≤ n?
thanks YuukaKazami:) && best wishes
What's the next plan of you without ACM, or what's the future of ACMer as you think? I am confused.
How about preparing a good bye round ???
Welcome back.
Welcome back!
Welcome back!
'wen day is dark alway rember happy day'