I have been solving DP problems for a while now, and while I feel somewhat comfortable with recursive DP and LeetCode-style DP problems, and I have been practicing recursive DP since I started learning DP. I find myself struggling with iterative DP as well as Codeforces-style DP. Converting a recursive DP approach into an efficient iterative solution feels hard to me.
Which steps should I take to overcome this problem?
If I'm being honest, there's only one thing to overcome: consistent practice. If you haven't solved the CSES DP problems yet, head over to the CSES DP section and work through all 19 problems using both recursive and iterative approaches.
I was in the same position a week ago, but now I'm comfortable with Iterative DP.
I don't know what happened, but now I'm very comfortable with Iterative DP.
I have solved most of the CSES and Atcoder DP contest problems using both recursion and iteration. But doing iterative as like converting recursive solutions to iterative to me.
then you are good bro
They're both pretty much the same, after a point you'll be able to write the iterative one naturally(although I still prefer using the recursive one whenever I can)