cszyf's blog

By cszyf, history, 9 hours ago, In English

i'm recently doing a research on southeastern asian countries' imformatic olympics situation, but have long been struggling with the lack of data.

i would really appreciate it if you could provide me with these countries' ioi team members' high schools and universities they are going to. also i would like to know what high schools are traditionally good at oi, and when will the participants usually sign a contract with the universities.

targeted countries: malaysia, singapore, thailand, vietnam, indonesia

several explanations:

  1. i posted a blog here but it was missing some important questions. worrying that it will not be shown widely if i just update it, i post this new blog. if updating the old one works, i would delete this one and merge it to the old version.

  2. for those who are in these ioi teams, if you think that i invade your personal imformation, please tell me.

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3 hours ago, # |
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I don't have any rights or authority to share the exact information of the people I know/have heard of that have competed at the IOI. But I can perhaps tell you that strong Vietnamese OI candidates in recent years have the tendency to go overseas for college. That is one reason (among many) why Vietnamese students are usually strong at the IOI, but Vietnamese universities don't perform well at ICPC WF, especially when our performance went from the peak at WF21 to the lowest in the past 10 years in 2025.