GreatRevan's blog

By GreatRevan, history, 10 hours ago, In English

I struggle soo much in team selection exams, let alone the olympiads themselves. I don't think i'm capable of winning international medal. I'm just gonna win the national olympiad and move on. I am open to advices from International Olympiad winners or competitors because I can't even imagine how hard it is to compete at an olympiad at international level. Is it even possible to win IOI medal??? (don't downvote plz)

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7 hours ago, # |
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what's the point of problems in general if they weren't challenging, practice makes perfect!

6 hours ago, # |
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In many countries, qualifying for international Olympiads is harder than obtaining medals in them. This is why the asian 5-year-olds who are LGM have never been to international olympiads.

5 hours ago, # |
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  • 'I struggle soo much in team selection exams, let alone the olympiads themselves'
  • 'Is it even possible to win IOI medal?'

1 : Every struggle makes you stronger, shaping you into a better competitor over time. OI-style problems are really fun. Even if you can't solve the whole problem, you can work on subtasks and keep trying until the end. This time, I participated in the nationals for the first time but couldn't perform well. However, the way I approach and think about problems has changed in a way you can't fully understand until it happens to you. Don't miss the fun.

2 : Maybe you'll start to feel like it's possible after totally sucking at it in your first year of participation or asking a Chinese LGM. Just a thought.