请继续使用那永远只拦截人类的 Cloudflare,继续不分青红皂白地封禁用户,一直用那垃圾服务器玩原神。
在您的管理下,Codeforce 将会像我的 OI 生涯一样成功!祝好运!
如果你删除了这条博客或者封禁了我,那么全世界都会看到 Codeforce 的腐朽!Codeforces 将会臭名昭著!
English Version
Hello MikeMirzayanov!
Please continue to use that Cloudflare that only ever blocks humans, continue to indiscriminately block users, and keep playing Genshin Impact with that garbage server.
Under your management Codeforce will be as successful as my OI career! Good luck!
Codeforces will be infamous if you delete this blog or ban me, then the whole world will see the rot of Codeforce!
Auto comment: topic has been updated by fish_love_cat (previous revision, new revision, compare).
I don't think that Codeforces will become infamous for deleting this blog or banning you (which probably won't happen). Also, stop blaming Mike. He is literally just one person. He cannot fix every single problem that everyone asks for him to do. Codeforces has just grown to a large size, much more than Mike probably expected. He has limited resources and limited time. Don't blame him.
I think he's joking, just like the content in this Luogu link.
ZH: 是的,他们使用了几乎完全一样的语气与句子结构 EN: Yes, they used almost identical tone and sentence structure
Even the first sentence may have been copied lol,link
Auto comment: topic has been updated by fish_love_cat (previous revision, new revision, compare).
中文:我支持这篇文章。英文:I supports this article.
How goods you English is! <- this is joking because there is more errors.
As Grammar, I can't count how many errors there are.
麦克麦克,你 Unr 一场比赛的技巧确实高超,但还是太废父母了,有没有更实用一点的方法?
有的兄弟,有的,像这样的方法当然不止一种,一共有九种,都是当前版本 T0.5 的强势方法,他们分别是:
English Version
Enough already! Every little thing has to be linked to Genshin Impact. Genshin Impact has neither provoked nor harmed you in any way. What exactly is your problem with it that you keep mindlessly smearing it? Every day, miHoYo is putting in a lot of effort to promote Chinese culture through cultural output. You keyboard warriors only know how to slander a good company online. It's people like you who will ruin the future of Chinese games.
Joke English Version
Hello, MikeMirzayanov!
Please 继续 use that forever only stop human Cloudflare,继续 not 分 lightgreen,red,皂,white kill user,一直 use that rubbish service 器 play Genshin.
Under your 管理,Codeforce will like my OI life as success!Good luck!
If you delete this blog or kill me,then world will see Codeforce 腐朽! Codeforces will 臭名昭著!
Chinese Ver.
English Ver.