Sai_t's blog

By Sai_t, history, 8 hours ago, In English

As we all know the latest round had been claimed unrated because of Codeforces network problems, and problem statements were leaked before start. It would absolutely be a disaster, at least to the problem authors.

As we noticed that similar problems have happened now and then, especially to contest during unusual time and for foreign contestants. Regardless of whether they're caused by Cloudflare or whatever, sir MikeMirzayanov please fix this problem if possible, with huge thanks, since it's most disrespectful to the authors, testers, and participants of the contest.

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8 hours ago, # |
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Why are people shitting on Mike so much? It is not his fault some bad actors DDOSed the site (which I believe was the case, can't say for sure) and it is not like Mike makes tons of money out of codeforces, right? I am not saying he is not liable for not building a robust infrastructure, etc, etc, but to what extent can we actually demand things from him? We are not paying him and this didn't happen on purpose or solely because of some error from Mike.

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    8 hours ago, # ^ |
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    nobody is 'shitting' on Mike

    we're just seeking for possible solutions to it

    by the way, 'shitting' on someone is quite impolite