I started codeforces a year back and was very inconsistent with practicing as I was more focused on doing LeetCode style questions, and would struggle to get a good rank even if i solved 2 problems in div2 because of my speed. So i quit codeforces. Until all my friends started hitting pupil and i felt, if everybody can why can't I! So i created a new account 2 months back and knew if i could solve 2 div2 prob and 3 div3 prob in okaish time i will hit it as the first 5-6 contest gives you higher rating and eventually I did hit it after the results of round 1009 div3, but what is to be done now? I don't think I am a consistent pupil so i might just get down in the next contest, also i dont have any fascination of reaching specialist so i won't worry if i just stay in this green region for long!!
Gave my first contest yesterday, Can you share more about your journey? How did you practice and do you try to attend as many contests as possible or wait for Div 3s?
div3 is all about speed, i panic when i see my rank getting down so i dont give div3 alot, yesterday my rank was 9000 because i panicked but when results came it was 7.4k i dont know why, or else i won't have been green! If you wish to hit pupil, give more div2 and try to solve A and B in 1 hour, max to max 1.5, for problem A practice 800-900, 30 solid problems and for B practice 1000-1100 30 solid problems, I personally use TLE eliminators sheet! you can too! good luck to a high rating ^_^!
aim higher
I understand, but why are people downvoting me ;(
Care about skills and upsolving problems not votes (¬_¬")
How you are able to make this type of faces
(¬_¬") ?
Symbol you used for eyes what is it, it isn't there in my keyboard!
Its available here
Be consistent bro !! even i ma new to this field but seeing ups and downs is part of great problem solve in life. Life is waiting for all of us with new hopes and gifts. well Kudos for you achievement ^_^
Hey! I’ve been working on my CP skills lately, trying to get more consistent on Codeforces and aiming for pupil. I’ve also been solving Leetcode-style problems and following DSA sheets. My college doesn’t have much of a CP culture, so I’d love to connect with you and others who are into it!
sure i would love that! you can drop a message on my codeforces handle!
what's your problem?
What's your problem? Don't write useless blogs and then ask people, 'What now?' Decide on your own.
most of them engaged in a positive response except you, you can ignore it if you don't like it
Just because people engage doesn’t mean the blog is meaningful. If you're just posting useless stuff with no real discussion value, it’s fair to call it out. Maybe focus on something constructive next time.
i will, thank you
so, this blog is useful?
People often love to correct others on things they do themselves. When pointed out, someone might try to justify themselves. ^_^
Keep going! CP is not just about rating, it's about the learning and fun along the way.
thank you! ^_^
bhai/bon CP neshar moton, joto korbi toto aro solve korte icche korbe