I don't want to sound mean in anyway but this is coming from someone who's truly worried. Is this site still been actively maintained/moderated? First of all, the amount of cheaters that go unpunished is really really worrisome, I can't count the number of accounts that have been reported with solid evidence for cheating, but even until this day, their profiles are still up and their cheating solutions aren't skipped. Cheating is becoming too rampant and overlooked here and I think stricter measures need to be taken to maintain the trustworthiness of this platform and I think IP banning cheaters and Phone number requirements should be considered. Secondly I've noticed that this site tends to load very very slowly during contest times, even with good internet and I'm certain I'm not the only one experiencing this. During the last div 3 round, it took me almost 6 minutes to load a single problem and immediately after any contest, the loading times went back to normal. For a platform with very simple UI design and less than 500k active users, this should not be happening at all, except it's region specific. I hope this meets the codeforces team well.
I understand your worries (I'm not a part of the Codeforces team), but you have to still give them credit. They are trying their best. Banning IPs and phone number requirements might not work. People can change their IP addresses, and some people don't even have phone numbers (I didn't until recently, since I'm not an adult). I do believe the Codeforces team should read more of these blogs and ban the cheaters, but again, there are so many cheaters, too much that the team (even with AI) cannot ban or stop all of them. I would say to give them some credit, but they do have to try harder!