Блог пользователя Baiterr

Автор Baiterr, история, 25 часов назад, По-английски

What rating I become if I solve 2-3 problems today Im new here

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25 часов назад, # |
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Depends on which contest, you are solving 2-3 problems.

If you solve 2-3 problems in contest of Div-4, you would be newbie (pupil at max, if you solved too early), but if you are solving 2-3 problems in contest of Div-2, you may reach from Pupil to Specialist(Again, depending upon your speed).

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    25 часов назад, # ^ |
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    whats div how do we know div today contest is what div.thanks

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      17 часов назад, # ^ |
      Rev. 3   Проголосовать: нравится +11 Проголосовать: не нравится

      This is how a contest is titled, "Codeforces Round 1009 (Div. 3)". Div. 3 says that contest is of Div-3. If you solve 3 problems in this contest, you will most probably be stuck in between nwebie and pupil, depending upon your speed and accuracy.

      Good luck;)