In this problem my approach is — if a element is at the index at which it should be i.e , i == p[i] , then answer of index i is 1 if we have character 0 at this index otherwise if this element is in loop with another element i.e , i == p[p[i]] (for ex — 2,1) , then we will increase the answer at this index if character at this position i and character at position p[i] is 0. Now for rest all elements we can calculate number of zeros excluding previous indexes and fill the number of zeros for their answer. But i my code is giving wrong answer at testcase-2 and the testcase size is large so i cannot get the permutation at this place. my code is — .
Please help where i am wrong .
A permutation can be partitioned into multiple disjoint cycles. Your solution assumes the given permutation is made up of multiple size 1 or 2
(i == p[i] || i == p[p[i]])
cycles and a big one of size > 2 (in which you count the black nodes with noz). However it fails when you have multiple cycles of size > 2. Here's a testcase:the expected output should be
3 3 3 3 3 3
, but your solutions prints6 6 6 6 6 6
thanks for the testcase