I_am_Invincible's blog

By I_am_Invincible, 3 days ago, In English

HI good people. Recently i learned about mo's algorithm and grabbed some basic idea of SQRT decomposition. I solved a few problems related to it but those were just direct implementation. So i would I like to know from you if you found some problems that you solved using anyone of these two topics. It will be helpful if you provide me the link to those problems in the comment that you think are related to these topics. (also if the problems are more recent it will be more appreciated. Thank you)

N.B. Also this is just for learning purpose. I know these topics are very tough for someone at this level but i want to give them a try out of interest you can say :D

3 days ago, # |
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hahaha, im sorry this is so funny.

3 days ago, # |
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Bruh! are you trying to increase your contribution!

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    3 days ago, # ^ |
    Rev. 2   Vote: I like it 0 Vote: I do not like it

    i don't care about contribution bru. i think that is a waste of time to think about that. you can upvote downvote as you wish. that's your choice. but i meant what i said in the blog and i always respect them who help me :)

    N.B. also i am strictly against them who purposefully want to get negative contribution.

3 days ago, # |
Rev. 2   Vote: I like it 0 Vote: I do not like it

1439C - Greedy Shopping for example

my solution
3 days ago, # |
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    3 days ago, # ^ |
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    i've been so long searching for this problem, god bless alex :pray:

3 days ago, # |
Rev. 4   Vote: I like it +4 Vote: I do not like it

966E - May Holidays combining HLD and sqrt decomp.

398D - Instant Messanger heavy light partitioning.

348C - Subset Sums heavy light partitioning again.

1580C - Train Maintenance heavy light partitioning AGAIN.

911G - Mass Change Queries small to large and sqrt decomp.

342E - Xenia and Tree sqrt decomp and rebuild.

522D - Closest Equals block processing / Mo's algorithm.

Bit counting 617E - XOR and Favorite Number but extended.

Sub-subsequence sqrt decomposition with tries.

Delete numbers heavy light partitioning AGAIN (yes, this is starting to be boring now).

And a lot of other problems that can be solved with other data structures, but I like sqrt decomposition the most :)